Christianity Is More than a Testimony

foreign [Music] I wanted to say I appreciate letters anything that comes my way somebody taking the time to sit down and write by whatever format I don't care it means the world to me but I also take the time when I see something maybe twisted out of context to correct it so here is one this came in a letter from a King's house and King style that looks relatively new and I'm grateful for you writing me but the person says I know we are not supposed to give testimonies I never said that what I said is testimonies cannot listen what happened to me may not happen to you but in the big picture let me just say this every person who calls themselves a Christian has a testimony make no mistake about that okay if you say oh I don't have one it's because you're too busy focused on the person who stands up who says well I used to be this and now I'm that and you don't understand what it means to say a sinner saved by grace and looking at oneself we all have a testimony the reason why I am against testimony in church is because that is personal subjective to the person and my experiences are not yours so I'm not against testimony per se simply not in a public form and not added to a church service I believe all it does most of the time when people stand up and say what the Lord's done for them usually it creates a sense of well hmm the Lord didn't do that for me or I was never like that when in fact every single person who calls on the name of Jesus Christ has a testimony so I want to clear that up [Music] [Music] coming to this house

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