Smuggling Paraphernalia Can Be Hard Work, Even When It Fails. This Is Ridiculous.

I figured smuggling would be an interesting line of work, but I had no idea just how strange it actually was. It’s difficult enough to get perfectly legal foods across borders, so naturally trying to bring illegal things into a country is even harder. You can’t just slap a fake mustache on a bag of cocaine and tell security it’s your Uncle Pete. (Even if that does sound outlandishly genius.)

If you want to make money off of contraband, you have to be creative. Just take a look at some of the weird examples below–and don’t forget, these are the techniques that didn’t work.  

1.) Avocado Filled with Cocaine

2.) Stuffed Animal Stuffed with a Handgun

3.) Clams Stuffed with Cocaine

4.) Chocolate-covered Methamphetamine

5.) Ceramic Cats Filled with Opium

6.) Money in Bread

7.) Cocaine in Breast Implants

8.) Ecstasy Inside of a Mr. Potato Head Toy

9.) Marijuana Packed into the Shape of a Donkey

10.) Geckos in Books

11.) Plant Base Filled with Ephedrine

12.) Wooden Door Filled with Cocaine

13.) Frogs in a Film Cannister

14.) Anabolic Steroids in Lubricant Bottles

15.) Snake in a Clay Pot

16.) Cocaine in Candy Eggs

17.) Soccer Ball Filled with Cigarettes

18.) Dead Bugs Filled with Cocaine

(via BoredPanda)

Whoa. That sure is an interesting line of work. Imagine what these people could have done with those creative minds of theirs if they had chosen a career where most retirement parties don’t take place in a prison. This really makes you wonder how people successfully brings these things in!

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You Need To Follow The TSA Instagram Right Now

Where else are you gonna find a bag of eels, really?

1. Sometimes people do the darndest things. Like, say, try to smuggle 92 pounds of marijuana through the airport security line.

2. Thankfully, the TSA has an informative/hilarious Instagram page that captures some of the best things recovered in security searches.

Like this medieval ball and chain.

3. Their Insta chronicles typical confiscated items, like handguns.

This one was loaded.

4. To the truly bizarre.

Fun fact: Anything that resembles a hand grenade is gonna get confiscated.

5. Oh sure, take your bag of eels across state lines.

According to the TSA, “the passenger was attempting to transport 163 marine tropical fish and 22 invertebrates” into Venezuela.

6. Or your pantyhose filled with tiny snakes.

Yes, that’s an actual thing someone tried to smuggle through a security checkpoint.

7. There are tons of weapons confiscated, like this smoke grenade.


9. A gaggle of knives.

10. And tactical axes.

11. People are always trying to smuggle hand grenades through, for some reason.

12. Another hand grenade.

13. So many hand grenades.

14. Some people use ~creative~ means of trying to smuggle weapons through — like stuffed animals.

15. This knife was found stuffed into the sole of a shoe.

16. This inert grenade was stuffed inside a stuffed animal penguin.

17. And these knife blades were found taped into a Scooby Doo greeting card.


18. Important rule: You may check your sword in your luggage but you can’t put it in your carry-on.

19. The account also features the cute doggies of the TSA K9 unit. THIS IS ROKO.

20. And here is Hilbert. HILBERT!

21. So remember: Have a great trip and leave your C4 explosive at home.

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