Everyone’s favorite liberal, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), thinks she now speaks for Americans, as evidenced by her tweet calling Trump’s proposed wall a ‘symbol of hate.’
Americans reject @realDonaldTrump’s immoral & hateful obsession with building a wall on the border. He should move on. #NoWall pic.twitter.com/HVXN0DcACg— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) January 8, 2018
Not everyone is seeing things the way Pelosi does.
No we the people do NOT hate our President. We the people elected Donald J. Trump into office and he will build that wall. Snowflake— D C Roy (@jr_croy) January 8, 2018
Point taken. Americans are fed up with the lack of a wall.
Bill and Schumer were all about it. What changed?— ReneeforTrump (@Deplorablerenee) January 8, 2018
They must have realized the majority is against them.
Pelosi for RETIREMENT! Nancy, we spend more money in CA alone, for illegals, in ONE year, than the total cost of THE WALL. #BUILDTHEWALL— Mark Landeene (@mdlandeene) January 8, 2018
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