15 Of The Creepiest Neighbors Around — And You Thought Yours Were Bad!

When I was in college, I had a really creepy neighbor. I told my friends that if I turned up dead or missing, police should start their investigation at his front door.

He had long, greasy hair and dirty fingernails, but the spookiest thing about him was that he never seemed to sleep. At all hours of the day and night, I could hear him moving around in his apartment, which was right above mine.

However, when it comes to creepy neighbors, I know I’m not alone. The following are 15 of the creepiest neighbors that Redditors have had to deal with — and you thought yours were bad!

1. “My neighbor stares at me from her window every day when I get home from work.”

2. Is that a zombie?

3. This would be the last place I’d go for a cup of sugar.

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4. She knows we can see her, right?

5. I’m glad to know that Michael Myers finally settled down.

6. “Honey, the ghost children are loose again!”

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7. This is unacceptable neighbor behavior.

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8. Who in their right mind decorates like this?

9. The last thing any neighborhood needs is a Nazi.

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10. “I just watch from a distance.”

11. Why are these people always staring? Don’t they have TVs?

12. Go inside and watch some Netflix!

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13. Why must they leave creepy things on display?

14. Are they trying to scare the bejesus out of us?

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15. Don’t they know we hate clowns?!

I wouldn’t want to live near any of these people, but the guy who posted this video has the worst neighbors of all. They don’t just stare — they take creepy to a whole new level!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG6ayYXuuXc?autoplay=0]

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go make sure my doors and windows are locked.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/creepy-neighbors/