Rick Perry: Children monitored after possible contact with Ebola patient


A man in Texas who has been diagnosed with Ebola had been in the country for several days before being hospitalized and quarantined.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry held a press conference today and said that school children are being monitored after having been near the Ebola patient:

Breaking: Gov. Rick Perry says "some school age children had contact" with the #Ebola patient in Dallas. #khou pic.twitter.com/XeuOmPnCTA

— The Bishop (@BillBishopKHOU) October 1, 2014

TX Gov. Perry: Some school-aged children have been in contact with #Ebola patient http://t.co/FbQhOGVto6 @NewsHour pic.twitter.com/mHJbifx7nk

— Joshua Barajas (@Josh_Barrage) October 1, 2014

Gov. Rick Perry says some school-age children had contact with Ebola patient and are being monitored for the disease. pic.twitter.com/ouKZ27LtTB

— CNBC (@CNBC) October 1, 2014

Texas Gov. Perry says school-aged children had contact with #Ebola patient; they’ve been identified & being monitored http://t.co/FnYmXmj0Ar

— FOX59 News (@FOX59) October 1, 2014

Not good :(. Gov Perry announcing acc to CNN Ebola patient in contact with school aged children.And hospital didn't inquire about his travel

— C Foote (@technolibrary) October 1, 2014

Rick Perry is on TV to tell us that school age children have been exposed to Ebola. But not to panic!

— Trisha Lemons (@trishmunky) October 1, 2014


Patient had contact with five children who attend four different Dallas-area schools, per school official. #Ebola

— Elise Viebeck (@eliseviebeck) October 1, 2014

A few parents at Sam Tasby Middle School have picked up students– #DHHS says student may have been exposed to #Ebola pic.twitter.com/4j02P79gyl

— Sebastian Robertson (@wfaasebastian) October 1, 2014

#Dallas #HHD says student at LL Hotchkiss Elementary may have come in contact with #Ebola — parents picking up #wfaa pic.twitter.com/f7dxwiMBHm

— Sebastian Robertson (@wfaasebastian) October 1, 2014



Brad Thor nails it on why we should be worried about Team Obama’s response to Ebola

Inevitable: Newsweek blames Ebola outbreak on man made global warming

CNN: Ambulance ‘in use for two days after the EBOLA patient was transported’

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/01/rick-perry-school-age-children-being-monitored-after-possible-contact-with-ebola-patient/