‘Is that the Shake Weight?’ Maybe Obama should pump up security detail [pics, video]


Well, somebody surreptitiously grabbed footage of President Mr. Universe pumping iron at a Polish hotel gym:

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Much to the amusement of the Twitterverse:

http://twitter.com/#!/mamaswati/status/474210668229304321 http://twitter.com/#!/morgenr/status/473947545371037696 http://twitter.com/#!/chelseagrunwald/status/474211507744423938

OK, we can’t lie: That footage is all kinds of hilarious. But it also raises an important question:


Mr. President, do yourself a favor next time: Get better security. It could save your life — and a boatload of embarrassment.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/04/is-that-the-shake-weight-beefcake-obama-might-want-to-pump-up-his-security-detail-pics-video/