These 25 Albino Animals Are Different… But Beautiful. The Baby Deer Is Just Amazing.

Albinism and Leucism are two similar conditions in animals characterized by reduced pigmentation. The difference is that Leucism, unlike albinism, is caused by a reduction in all types of skin pigment, not just melanin. Albino animals will have red eyes where as animals with Leucism will have lightly pigmented eyes, most often blue. Here are 25 different animals suffering from these rare pigmentation disorders.

1) Lion

2) Snail

3) Rhino

4) Giraffe

5) Squirrel

6) Turtle

7) Lobster

8) Deer

9) Racoon

10) Peacock

11) Reindeer

12) Hummingbird

13) Whale

14) Bat

15) Porcupine

16) Iguana

17) Vulture

18) Crocodile

19) Penguin

20) Koala

21) Eagle

22) Hedgehog

23) Shark

24) Ball Python snake (this guy is piebald)

25) Ferret

So there you have it, Moby Dick does apparently exist. Source: imgur Share these ghost like animals with your friends below.

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