#LondonAttack: First photo of suspected terrorist; NYPD brings in ‘heavy weapons’ to guard potential targets

The first photo of the suspected terrorist in today’s terror attack in London has emerged:

Read more: http://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2017/03/22/londonattack-first-photo-of-suspected-terrorist-nypd-brings-in-heavy-weapons-to-guard-potential-targets/

Actress Kristen Bell thinks rich people like her ‘SHOULD pay higher taxes’


You love it? Oh, that’s good. Because that’s what “Veronica Mars” and “Frozen” star Kristen Bell did today.

Bell linked to a Salon article about the RNC’s new ad campaign featuring a Republican millennial. Naturally, she managed to tie that into an argument for higher tax rates for the wealthy:


Isn’t that special?

http://twitter.com/#!/Roebucker/status/446376383430676480 http://twitter.com/#!/JeffWoodsDC/status/446383268892790784


Here’s a good question:


Bell’s response:


Yeah, she totally gets it.

Another good point:


Quiet, Leigh. You’re not an expert like Kristen:

http://twitter.com/#!/IMKristenBell/status/446375105371705344 http://twitter.com/#!/IMKristenBell/status/446375440026828800

Why should it be up to the government to decide how much money someone should be allowed to have?


Fair enough. We don’t know you, either. But if you care so much and think government is the answer, what’s stopping you from giving the IRS more of your money?

http://twitter.com/#!/NeoMyers/status/446376028588752896 http://twitter.com/#!/hoopswrld/status/446380275019579392



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Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/03/19/based-on-what-actress-kristen-bell-thinks-rich-people-like-her-should-pay-higher-taxes/