Liar Stephanie Cutter has hissy fit over tape, blames Romney; Media enable!/tmbtennis4fun/status/253475130284589056

Oh, lying liar who lies, Stephanie Cutter, is at it again. How do you know? Her sneering lips are moving.

As Twitchy reported yesterday, Matt Drudge teased a tape that was set to come out last night. And come out it did. As usual, the lapdogs in the media immediately began stomping their paws. Look away, nothing to see here, you wingnutty nuts with wings! Also, raaacist!111

Yet, Team Obama felt the need to frantically try to cut and run and pin the blame for President Obama’s own words and actions … on Mitt Romney. Who had nothing to do with the tape’s release.

Romney camp distances itself from tape; Cutter asks for Romney to say release was "wrong"

— Kevin Robillard (@PoliticoKevin) October 3, 2012

Also, you know, he did not say the things on the tape. President Obama did, which has DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse in a tizzy.

Pres. Obama rep. on 2007 video release: Romney campaign should "say it was wrong." @StartingPtCNN w/ @Soledad_OBrien

— Van Scott (@vanscottABC) October 3, 2012

From CNN:

On the video, Cutter says, “I think allies to Mitt Romney are responsible. And I think that the Romney campaign should stand up and do the right thing and say that it was irresponsible to do something like that, particularly on the eve of the debate.”

Romney “secret tape?” Worst thing in the entire world, ever. And Romney’s fault. Obama tape? Nothing to see, a distraction. And Romney’s fault. Perhaps Ms. Cutter and Mr. LaBolt should read Jake Tapper’s report at ABC, since they are clearly afraid to actually watch the tape.

And @jaketapper doesn’t go along with the rest of the Beltway Media’s attempt to blow this off as old news: #kudosJake

— RB (@RBPundit) October 3, 2012

Jake Tapper also reports that Ben LaBolt pulls the old “distraction” nonsense as well.

In response, the Obama campaign said the release of the clips are a “transparent attempt” by “Mitt Romney’s allies” to change the subject from the GOP nominee’s secretly recorded comments that 47 percent of voters are dependent and believe “they are victims.”

“The only thing shocking about this is that they apparently think it’s wrong to suggest that we should help returning veterans, children leaving foster care and other members of Mitt Romney’s 47 percent get training that will allow them to find the best available jobs.  If the Romney campaign believes that Americans will accept these desperate attacks tomorrow night in place of specific plans for the middle class, it’s they who are in for a surprise,” campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said in a written statement.

Distraction? Desperation gambit? Those terms must be Newspeak for truth.

MT @NowWithAlex Today: Why 5 year old tape of Obama is no '47%' moment; @BenLaBolt on expectations night

— msnbc (@msnbc) October 3, 2012

And there we go. Once again the lapdogs are enabling the ridiculous spin from Team Obama and are trying to make it all about Romney instead.

Shouldn't someone ask Stefanie Cutter just what it is about the Obama speech that makes her demand an apology from Romney for its airing?

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 3, 2012

Oh, our sides! A member of the press would have to put down his or her Team Obama pom-poms first. And then how would he or she make captain of the squad, silly? Soledad is certainly trying her hardest to make captain.

I had to turn off CNN this morning. @Soledad_OBrien is incredibly rude and condescending. She doesn't even attempt to be impartial.

— Michele Harrell (@BudgetHappy) October 3, 2012

@Soledad_OBrien Do you think your interview with Ms Cutter carried the same tone as the conversation you had with Romney's Rep? It did not.

— Ann Carvo (@annamae55) October 3, 2012

@annamae55 ms cutter and rep chafetz were very similar I thought.

— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) October 3, 2012

Bless her heart! Soledad exposes her lapdoggery further in an exchange with Republican Barbara Comstock as well.

Even @CNN co-host, camera people were laughing at @Soledad_OBrien's unprofessional behavior towards @BarbaraComstock. No longer news agency.

— T (@Smalltalkwitht) October 3, 2012

. @Soledad_OBrien to Romney rep.: Only one person who is spinning, and that would be you. @StartingPtCNN VIDEO:

— Van Scott (@vanscottABC) October 3, 2012

This morning @Soledad_OBrien was hammered by @BarbaraComstock (R, VA) Soledad's and @CNN 's response? Snickering and snide comments. #FAIL

— T (@Smalltalkwitht) October 3, 2012

@Soledad_OBrien CNN Political Hack Constantly Getting Caught in The Act of Unprofessional Behavior @BarbaraComstock #p2

— Mark Merlot (@AverageVoter) October 3, 2012

Hmm. Why the blatant enabling by the press today?

FLASHBACK: JournoList plotted to kill Jeremiah Wright story in 2008 @JoeNBC @hardball_chris @soledad_obrien @tombrokaw

— Barry Choom (@rapidcraft) October 3, 2012

Lapdogs don’t like getting caught burying bones in the backyard. This became even more obvious last night.

OBAMA? RT @TheFix: So, does Mitt Romney put out a statement on the Drudge vid? Does the RNC? Any major Republican figure?

— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) October 3, 2012

That’s right. The first reaction of members of the media is to demand action from Romney. For things that President Obama did and said.

Revealing @TheFix wouldn't even CONSIDER asking POTUS about his own remarks. And they wonder why there is no trust.

— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) October 3, 2012

@NathanWurtzel @TheFix Why the hell would Romney/the RNC feel the need to put out a statement? This is about the Media & its utter dishonor.

— Moe Lane (@moelane) October 3, 2012

Indeed. As for Stephanie Cutter, isn’t there a few things she’d like to denounce?

Stephanie #Cutter: please list all anti Romney videos you've denounced. It won't take 140 characters. No rules in this game. Haven't been.

— SwarnerGroup (@SwarnerGroup) October 3, 2012

Nope. She will just keep lying, over and over. And the media will let her.

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Leaman Ralph

Really sugar is shaky because it originates from a straight stick see the play is Granny yes Grandma plus new style luv MaryJane so listen (Granny Apple last years blue ribbon production winner AKA) I, I, I ain't on the right side of my house Jane something or the other is in my room: finally after an extermination Grannie speaks once more "let my (old man) Pacman step on it". See it is home on the range so solo as it be truity speaks got a problem it is your own. But alter scenario: Z/n time; narcotics I got that candy Bar itch its' and Mickey Mouse for the Sultan 7 1 4er well a hem a hem, it went early in the morning like a smack chanting sugar structure 7 -one 1 +eleven and 4 do an ate 'er 8 eight 'er? Well that aint nice. NARCO says do you know them numbers change (response) Yes it is a FiX they are MF's Ope yeah Ope Douglas is it. Surrounded by Alkaloid is both Mary and Grandma in an never ending circle of membership. French mandates declare put up their dukes... ZEN Pepsi can talk half Chocolate and your ole man Pacman down in Cuba posing as the worlds one and only Coffee Wizard "back 1:1" tis Coffee time... ||