Holly Robinson Peete’s Instagram hijacked; sends out vulgar pics
http://twitter.com/#!/hollyrpeete/status/270192926271889408Oh, dear.Instagram hacked. Sigh…They gotta get it together…— Holly Robinson Peete (@hollyrpeete) November 18, 2012It seems Ms. Robinson Peete is not alone. Other Twitter users are reporting that their Instagram accounts were “hacked,” with vulgar pics displayed, as well. Was it hacking or were their accounts phished? Perhaps they either authorized an app to access their accounts or they entered their passwords somewhere that they shouldn’t have. Either way, users are less than thrilled, to say the least.I was shocked at the sight of what I saw👀“@hollyrpeete: Instagram hacked. Sigh…They gotta get it together…”— Rethabile Legodi (@heartbile) November 18, 2012You too? Thought it was just me. Smh~@hollyrpeete: Instagram hacked. Sigh…They gotta get it together…”— Michelle K. (@ChelleHGRadio) November 18, 2012@thekatiemorgan Grapevine is saying some Instagram accounts were hacked, so folks may want to change their passwords…— Big Mur (@MurrayAHill) November 18, 2012My @instagramaccount was hacked & there is now an inappropriate photo as my profile pic. On my phone & computer it is normal. How to fix?— Heather Sievers (@DiningInDisney) November 18, 2012Someone I followed on Instagram got hacked and turned into a porn page…smh idk who it was, but they’re gone now— Suzanne Sugarbaker (@NikkiFabulous) November 18, 2012If u follow me on Instagram I am really sorry but for some reason it’s been hacked & nasty porn pics are on it…I don’t follow that person— Monica R Monsalve♉❤ (@MrsMonica_R) November 18, 2012Dear friends who instagram better check ur accnt…sounds like lots of ppl got hacked last night. @emilyrsutton @lizdueweke @todayshow @gma— twilight N (@Twilightseven) November 18, 2012So I’m not the only one this happened to. Appears some Instagram accounts were hacked, fouls pics posted. Might want to change password.— RICHELLE CAREY (@RichelleCarey) November 18, 2012Anyone’s Instagram ever been hacked? Mine was. Foul pics in my feed from someone I’m not following. UGH!!!!— RICHELLE CAREY (@RichelleCarey) November 18, 2012@hollyrpeete @instagram my was hacked too!— Michelle (@glossyallday) November 18, 2012@hollyrpeete please do something about this instigram thing, they are posting disgusting naked pictures— Jessica Germani (@Jessica6686) November 18, 2012Ms. Peete may defend the vulgar Eva Longoria, but she certainly didn’t sign up for posting porn on her Instagram. We hope she gets it cleared up soon.I apologize for those who follow my @instagram account it was hacked in the most vile way. Been begging Instagram delete. Really disturbing— Holly Robinson Peete (@hollyrpeete) November 18, 2012Audrey Irvine, from CNN, is having the same issue.@hollyrpeete @instagram OMG my account was hacked too!! I changed my password but the vile images remain b #disgusted— Audrey Irvine (@audreycnn) November 18, 2012Ms. Peete isn’t pleased with Instagram’s response, or lack thereof.Has @instagram put out a statement yet as to the Hack Job that went on this morning? @richellecarey @hollyrpeete— NickeyG (@Nickeyg26) November 18, 2012@grandpapjoe @instagram beg/tell it don’t matter if they don’t respond. I am done with then. Unprotected— Holly Robinson Peete (@hollyrpeete) November 18, 2012Hopefully, Instagram will clear up this issue swiftly. And, you know, respond to its customers. As of this posting, there is no reference on Instagram’s Twitter feed. Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/18/instagram-accounts-hijacked-by-porn-holly-robinson-peete-among-affected-account-sends-out-vulgar-pics/