!/CNN/status/182211785338793986Hmmm … half a pipeline. That’s useful. Not sure how President Obama expects solve the fuel crisis and/or jobs crisis with half an oil pipeline, but hey.This news, naturally, was ripe for the mockage.Swell! We’ll use buckets to bring it down from Canada! RT
@brikeilarcnn BREAKING: Obama to expedite southern half of Keystone XL Pipeline— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterType)
March 20, 2012Obama to fast-track southern half of the Keystone pipeline. Surely gas prices will fall immediately.— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell)
March 20, 2012Biden: Obama’s new plan to build half of the Keystone pipeline is the most audacious plan in the past 250 years.— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh)
March 20, 2012Algae not panning out? RT
@brikeilarcnn BREAKING: Obama to expedite southern half of Keystone XL Pipeline
#tcot #p2— RB (@RBPundit)
March 20, 2012FLASH: Obama only half-killed Osama Bin Laden. 🙁— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh)
March 20, 2012Inspired by Obama’s half-pipeline, I’m going to install a sprinkler system but not hook it up to a water supply.— jon gabriel (@exjon)
March 20, 2012@ExJon They’ll just shoot the oil in a 850 mile arc to southern pipeline. And they said pee-aiming wasn’t a practical skill.— Political Math (@politicalmath)
March 20, 2012BREAKING: Obama closes half of Gitmo.— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh)
March 20, 2012Building only the last half of a pipeline is like building only the top half of a boat.
#keystone— jon gabriel (@exjon)
March 20, 2012Isn’t having the southern half of a pipeline like only having the upper half of a cup?— Jeremy (@knowsknothing)
March 20, 2012Half a pipeline approved by half a president? Yeah that pretty much makes sense.— JavelinaBomb (@javelinabomb)
March 20, 2012I’m digging these new Obama half-policies. Unfortunately – and in spite of a tired cliche – Sandra Fluke is now half-pregnant.— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh)
March 20, 2012@ExJon So are we building a pipeline not connected to anything?— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel)
March 20, 2012So, Obama will approve half of Keystone pipeline that’s already underway, but ignore part that actually gets to Canada/oil?— Rory Cooper (@rorycooper)
March 20, 2012We’re building half a pipeline. If Obama only spent half of his budget, we’d be in pretty good shape.— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel)
March 20, 2012So now the President is for the Keystone XL pipeline? I was against the pipeline before for I was for the pipeline?— theprez98 (总统) (@theprez98)
March 20, 2012What if they build a halfpipe all the way to the tar sands?— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel)
March 20, 2012What a complete opportunist!!
#ABOUTTIME @PoliticalTicker: Obama to fast track southern half of Keystone XL Pipeline –— Karen, RN (@kdubrn)
March 20, 2012So is Obama going to build the inside half of the pipe first or the outside half?— Jim Jamitis (@anthropocon)
March 20, 2012Americans should respond to Obama approving building half the pipeline by giving him half the votes needed for reelection.— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_)
March 20, 2012#ObamaHalfPolicies Death panels now just 50% deathy.— Matt (@mdrache)
March 20, 2012Lemme get this straight. Obama is fast tracking half of a pipeline that he is unsure he can ever find a satisfactory route to complete?— Lisa B. (@politeracy)
March 20, 2012The most audacious half-project in 500 years! MT
@DanFosterNRO @brikeilarcnn Obama to expedite southern half of Keystone Pipeline
#keystone— Will Antonin (@Will_Antonin)
March 20, 2012#ObamaHalfPolicies We’re going to open up ANWR for drilling, but only to Black & Decker.— Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe)
March 20, 2012I’m glad Obama only gave half those guns to Mexican cartels. Whew.— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh)
March 20, 2012With this latest move, the president has managed to simultaneously tick off opponents of the Keystone XL Pipeline (who view it as a betrayal of their — and his own — values)
and supporters of the pipeline’s construction. He still thinks he can have his arugula and eat it, too.

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