Escaping the Health Anxiety Attention Trap | Dr. Rami Nader
Hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to be  talking about ways of managing persistent and   pesky worries about health that people often  experience in health anxiety and I’ve talked   in previous videos about how much how we pay too  much attention to physical health symptoms and  
how by focusing too much on those symptoms it  actually makes the symptoms feel more intense   kind of like a sneaky trap you know the tricky  part is that when those symptoms feel worse it’s   natural to start to worry even more about them  and this triggers even more anxiety and it becomes  
this self-fulfilling cycle that keeps dragging the  person down into worse and worse health anxiety   the more anxious we become the  more we feel the need to focus   on our health symptoms because we’re  genuinely concerned about them which  
just makes us feel even more anxious  and it becomes this frustrating spiral   so in today’s video we’re going to be talking  about some strategies that you can use to help   break you out of this health anxiety spiral  and gain some control over your health worries  
now people who struggle with health anxiety often  find themselves meticulously examining their   bodies for any signs of illness which inevitably  leads to worry about these bodily Sensations   now being aware of bodily changes and potential  health issues is normal that everybody does it  
to some extent however if you’re spending  excessive time fixating on your physical   symptoms or struggling to break free from the  thoughts about your health or potential illness   it can be helpful to direct your  attention away from those symptoms  
too much into that I want you to think about what  you tend to focus on when you’re feeling anxious   about your health I often encourage my clients  to make a list of the particular Sensations or   areas of their body that tend to consume their  attention during these health anxiety episodes  
and once you have this list of Sensations  or health worries this becomes the list   of symptoms or health thoughts that we  want to redirect our attention away from   but why is redirecting attention so important  why is it so critical well as I mentioned earlier  
fixating on physical symptoms can intensify their  impact and fuel high levels of worry and anxiety   additionally when our attention is fixated on  these physical symptoms it prevents us from   engaging in everyday activities and fulfilling  other important tasks have you ever found it  
challenging to concentrate on doing your household  chores a work project or simply being present with   your loved ones because your mind is constantly  wandering back to a specific area of your body   or particular Health concern that you’re  focused on this symptom focused attention  
and health anxiety makes it really difficult  for us to focus on any other aspects of life   so by learning to retain your attention learning  to retain your attention is a critical initial   step in managing and addressing health anxiety  not only does it reduce the amount of focus on  
the physical Sensations but it also frees up your  attention allowing you to more fully engage in   other activities and experiences that life has to  offer so how do we do this how can we shift our   Focus away from worrying about physical symptoms  and bring our attention back to the present moment  
one way to approach it is by considering your  attention kind of like a muscle and just like   any muscle if we don’t exercise our attention  regularly it becomes weaker and less effective   so the key is to strengthen our attention and our  ability to focus by giving it a regular workout  
and one way of doing this is to consciously  sustain your attention during everyday tasks   you see when we’re engaging in mundane  day-to-day activities like washing dishes   folding laundry or driving to pick up the kids  from soccer practice it’s natural for our minds  
to often wander off we start thinking about  other things like work uh what the weather   is going to be like tomorrow the argument I  had with my wife all sorts of other things   we rarely take the time to fully focus on the  experience of our day-to-day tasks like washing  
the dishes the activity of folding laundry or  the actual route we take to the soccer field   it’s during these types of activities that  our minds tend to drift we lose touch with the   present moment and we become disconnected from  what we’re actually doing and what’s actually  
going on around us but the thing is these everyday  tasks present a wonderful opportunity to practice   strengthening our attention and the idea is to  gradually train yourself to sustain focus on   these ordinary activities for longer and longer  periods giving your attention a solid workout  
so what I encourage my clients to do is to think  about those everyday mundane tasks those household   chores that you frequently engage in where your  mind tends to wander it could be anything from   doing the dishes taking a shower ironing gardening  cooking eating walking driving anything you do on  
a day-to-day basis spend some time and write down  as many of these activities that you can think of   and once you have your list of potential  activities to practice building your attention   muscle the next step is to select one and  plan when and where you’ll intentionally  
practice focusing your attention with that  task this intentional practice gradually   strengthens your ability to keep your attention  centered which enhances your overall focus and   a presence in the Here and Now so let’s take  the example of washing dishes to illustrate  
this practice you make a conscious decision to  focus your attention while washing the dishes   initially people are usually quite good at  directing their attention to the task at hand   however after a minute or two their minds  often start wandering off to something else  
and the Key Practice here is to notice when  your mind has wandered and to gently bring   your attention back to washing the dishes  so in a way the muscle that we’re working   on is more about the bringing the attention  back rather than solely keeping it focused  
and to assist with bringing your attention back to  the present moment I encourage you to engage your   senses and to be mindful of the sensory experience  you’re having while washing the dishes or whatever   the task is so let’s think about the five  senses the touch science sound smell and taste  
first pay attention to the sense of touch what  does it actually feel like to wash the dishes   take note of the texture and the temperature  of the water and The Sensation of the soap in   your hands notice which parts of your body  are in contact with the dishwashing process  
next consider the sense of sight what catches  your eye as you’re washing the dishes observe the   interplay of light and shadows Contours and colors  that unfold before you while you’re washing your   spaghetti meal off the dishes moving on to sound  listen closely to the different sounds associated  
with washing dishes pay attention to the sound of  water pouring into the sink and the sound of the   sponge scrubbing away the food particles take a  moment to explore the sense of smell notice any   distinct smells that arise do the smells change  as the dishwasher because the dish water becomes  
dirtier what does the dish soap smell like see  if you can detect multiple scents or changing   scents as you do it and lastly consider taste  now you may not necessarily taste anything if   there’s nothing in your mouth but perhaps you’re  chewing gum while you’re doing the dishes what  
do you know what do you notice about the act of  chewing gum so you see by bringing your attention   to these sensory aspects you’re anchoring  yourself in the present moment and you’re   cultivating a greater sense of the task at hand  which is washing the dishes it’s through this  
deliberate practice of engaging your senses  that you strengthen your ability to redirect   your attention back to the present ultimately  enhancing your overall focus and mindfulness   now the nice thing about this type of attention  practice is that you can do it almost any time  
because it typically involves things that we do  every day anyway so I encourage people to practice   attention on these mundane tasks at least two or  three times a day you’re not doing anything extra   by doing these exercises all you’re really doing  is paying attention to stuff that you do anyway  
so it’s not like it’s going to take up any more  time in your day now you might be wondering okay   this makes sense I can use this approach to  maintain my focus on mundane tasks such as   folding laundry or mowing the lawn or doing dishes  but how does this help with my health anxiety  
well the idea is when you notice yourself getting  preoccupied with a physical sensation or a worry   about a particular physical symptom what’s  happening with your attention in that situation   well your attention is focused on the  physical symptom or the physical sensation  
and your worry and negative interpretation of  what that physical sensation actually means   so when you catch yourself focusing your attention  all these physical Sensations the idea is to work   on redirecting your attention to something else  bringing your attention back in the Here and Now  
so for example if I notice that while I’m  cooking dinner I notice some numbness in my   fingers and start to worry about what does that  mean if I’ve practiced this mundane task focusing   what it can do is pull my attention away from the  worry about the numbness in my fingers and put my  
attention more fully into what I’m doing while I’m  cooking dinner it interrupts that negative spiral   that happens in health anxiety where I focus on  the sensation I notice it more intensely it makes   me more anxious so I have to focus on it more by  removing the focus on the physical sensation I’m  
interrupting this cycle and not getting so anxious  or so worked up by it in that moment and if you’re   interested in learning more ways of interrupting  these worry Spirals and health anxiety or worry   more generally I encourage you to check out this  video so that’s all for today’s video as always  
Source : Youtube

Published by

Leaman Ralph

Really sugar is shaky because it originates from a straight stick see the play is Granny yes Grandma plus new style luv MaryJane so listen (Granny Apple last years blue ribbon production winner AKA) I, I, I ain't on the right side of my house Jane something or the other is in my room: finally after an extermination Grannie speaks once more "let my (old man) Pacman step on it". See it is home on the range so solo as it be truity speaks got a problem it is your own. But alter scenario: Z/n time; narcotics I got that candy Bar itch its' and Mickey Mouse for the Sultan 7 1 4er well a hem a hem, it went early in the morning like a smack chanting sugar structure 7 -one 1 +eleven and 4 do an ate 'er 8 eight 'er? Well that aint nice. NARCO says do you know them numbers change (response) Yes it is a FiX they are MF's Ope yeah Ope Douglas is it. Surrounded by Alkaloid is both Mary and Grandma in an never ending circle of membership. French mandates declare put up their dukes... ZEN Pepsi can talk half Chocolate and your ole man Pacman down in Cuba posing as the worlds one and only Coffee Wizard "back 1:1" tis Coffee time... ||