Understanding The Metaphysics Of Aqua Aura Healing Quartz Crystals

Balancing the body’s chakras is an important part to staying both emotionally and physically well. Quartz is believed to be a particularly effective stone for enhancing and directing the energies that flow through these important points. Aqua Aura healing with crystals can be done in several different ways, depending on what changes one desires to manifest. Quartz can be found in many different formations, though this particular type is believed to have some very unique qualities. It exudes a brilliant blue tone that ranges from electric, to sky blue, with the occasional iridescent shimmer of rainbow flashes, and has been infused with minute flecks of gold. With the natural powers of the stone being enhanced by bonding with the precious metal, its metaphysical properties are even more pronounced. This blue toned quartz is said to have an intensely calming effect on both one’s body and spirit. The infusion with the precious metal, however, is done through a completely fabricated processes wherein the crystals are exposed to great enough heat that exposure to vaporized gold will condense and permanently bond with the surface textures of the stone. This change creates a higher vibration that has a very positive effect. The enhanced vibration of these stones resonates particularly well within the higher chakras located at the heart and throat. They are also quite adept at intensifying the vibrations of other crystals that may be used in conjunction with them to create a desired effect. This quartz is so powerful that all seven energy points will be touched by it. There are many ways in which these crystals may be used to improve one’s physical health, beginning with boosting the immune system and strengthening the thymus gland. It is believed that utilizing this stone, with its enhanced vibrations, could even aid in various aspects of certain conditions such as autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, polarity imbalances, cerebral palsy, and some genetic disorders. The extent of the effects will be unique to each situation. Emotional well being is greatly benefited with this quartz, especially when it is held during meditation. Its ability to soothe the flow of energies to calm and relax the entire person are particularly advantageous to individuals who are dealing with issues like stress, tension, and anxiety. Wearing, or carrying the stone can help counteract negative energy and assist one to remain controlled when under pressure. When used to stimulate the throat chakra when meditating, this blue quartz can boost soul energy and increase spiritual connections, as well as stimulating one’s psychic abilities. By removing the limitations one may perceive within themselves, a person might be better able to enact latent gifts like clairvoyance, channeling, intuitions, and automatic writing. It also aids in the defense against negative energies. These beautiful, gold infused quartz crystals can open a clear line of communication between the head and heart to help one improve their ability to speak truthfully, and freely, from the heart. This particular type of stone can make a connection with each of the seven chakras in a unique way to heal any imbalances within the body. There are multiple methods by which its power can be channeled effectively.