How To Know If You’re Suffering From Panic Attacks

Most people will experience at least one or two panic attacks at some point in their life. This will happen when a person finds himself in an extremely stressful situation. The body then activates what is known as the “fight or flight” mechanism. This phenomenon is considered normal when it comes to a highly stressful situation. But for some people, the Panic attacks come almost at random, or in a very mildly stressful situation. This is considered a Panic attack disorder and as you may imagine it greatly affects the lives of the person who has it and his close environment. So what are the main panic attack symptoms? How can you tell if you are having one?Panic attacks symptoms are surprisingly similar to a heart attack, but don’t worry – the two can be easily distinguished by an …ant doctor. While having a panic attack the symptoms a person will experience will include:• Quickness of breathing • Increased heart rate • Increased body temperature • An overwhelming feeling of dread or fear (panic). • Tightness in the chest • Tingling in one or both arms and/or the tips of the fingers • Profuse sweating • Minor delusions • Unreasonable fear towards random objects or events • Lightheadedness • Dizziness • NauseaThe symptoms listed above are common symptoms related to panic attacks, each varying from person to person. Most chronic panic sufferers tend to have a unique set of symptoms that mark their panic attacks.By the way, the feeling of tightness in the chest leads some of the sufferers to believe that they are having a heart attack. However, any doctor can tell you that a real heart attack has additional key symptoms that most are unlikely to ignore.So, How to tell for sure if you’re having a panic attack?Besides experiencing any combination of the symptoms mentioned above, there are a few exclusive factors behind real panic attacks.• Panic attacks are very limited in time. The body can maintain this reaction for no more than 15 minutes. Anyone who experiences a combination of some of the symptoms that are described above can rest sure they will pass before long.

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• Another major factor of panic attacks is the feeling of anxiety that follows an attack. Most people who experience a panic attack tend to worry about attacks that will follow. This is a natural reaction and another reassurance that all you experienced was an anxiety attack. This feeling of fear will in most cases be gone within a week’s time.Having said that, toy mast pays attention to feelings of fear that lasts for weeks, as well as recurring attacks. These may indicate that you suffer from a chronic panic disorder, and not just an isolated incident. If this is the case it would be wise to seek help from a medical physician or psychiatric doctor in order to control the attacks.