Has a computer finally passed the Turing Test?


Many are reporting that a 13 year old Ukrainian boy named Eugene Goostman has passed the Turing Test. Well, not an actual boy—Eugene is a computer simulation.

http://twitter.com/#!/KyleTress/status/475734158464278530 http://twitter.com/#!/TheRickWilson/status/475711677040971776

What’s a Turning Test? Basically it is a test to measure a computer’s ability to think like a human being.

A test proposed by British mathematician Alan Turing, and often taken as a test of whether a computer has humanlike intelligence. If a panel of human beings conversing with an unknown entity (via keyboard, for example) believes that that entity is human, and if the entity is actually a computer, then the computer is said to have passed the Turing test.

Basically, the Eugene Goostman simulation fooled about thirty percent of the human judges into thinking Eugene was a human being. Not everyone is convinced that this is such a big milestone though.

http://twitter.com/#!/Grady_Booch/status/475799173636177920 http://twitter.com/#!/redditIAmA/status/475805073973317633

To be honest we’re not sure whether Martin O’Malley’s Reddit AMA would have passed.

http://twitter.com/#!/edyong209/status/475775747840548864 http://twitter.com/#!/Mad_Science_Guy/status/475776535211696129 http://twitter.com/#!/askingalot/status/475815120136712192

It’s no small feat to be sure. As with a lot of things, the real implications won’t truly be understood until the media circus leaves town.

Scientific achievement like anything else on Twitter is always a good excuse for jokes.

http://twitter.com/#!/joe_hill/status/475786719824850944 http://twitter.com/#!/andylevy/status/475761264174456832 http://twitter.com/#!/Beschizza/status/475786770807025664 http://twitter.com/#!/JeriLRyan/status/475815603497082880

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/08/has-a-computer-finally-passed-the-turing-test-also-whats-a-turing-test/