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Rowing News

The Flexitarian Diet: The Mostly Vegetarian Way to Lose Weight, Be Healthier, Prevent Disease, and Add Years to Your Life

Lose weight, increase energy, and boost your immunity—without giving up meat! “With her flexible mix-and-match plans, Dawn Jackson Blatner gives us a smart new approach to cooking and eating.” –Joy Bauer, M.S., RD, CDN, “Today” show dietitian and bestselling author of Joy Bauer’s Food Cures “The Flexitarian Diet is a fresh approach to eating that’s balanced, smart, and completely do-able.” –Ellie Krieger, host of Food Network’s “Healthy Appetite” and author of The Food You Crave “Offers a comprehensive, simple-to-follow approach to flexitarian eating–the most modern, adaptable, delicious way to eat out there.” –Frances Largeman-Roth, RD, senior food and nutrition editor of Health magazine “It’s about time someone told consumers interested in taking control of their weight and health how to get the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle without having to cut meat completely out of their life.” –Byrd Schas, senior health producer, New Media, Lifetime Entertainment Services Introducing the flexible way to eat healthy, slim down, and feel great! “Flexitarianism” is the hot new term for healthy dieting that minimizes meat without excluding it altogether. This ingenious plan from a high-profile nutritionist shows you how to use “flexfoods” to get the necessary protein and nutrients–with just a little meat for those who crave it. As the name implies, it’s all about flexibility, giving you a range of options: flexible meal plans, meat-substitute recipes, and weight loss tips. Plus: it’s a great way to introduce the benefits of vegetarianism into your family’s lifestyle. Enjoy these Five Flex Food Groups: Flex Food Group One: Meat Alternatives (Beans, peas, lentils, nuts, and seeds; Vegetarian versions of meats; Tofu; Eggs) Flex Food Group Two: Vegetables and Fruits Flex Food Group Three: Grains (Barley, corn, millet, oat, quinoa, rice, wheat, pasta) Flex Food Group Four: Dairy Flex Food Group Five: Natural flavor-enhancers (Spices, buttermilk ranch, chili powder, cinnamon, Italian seasoning, herbs; Fats, oils, butter spreads; Sweeteners, granulated sugars, honey, chocolate; Ketchup, mustard, salad dressing, vinegars, low-fat sour cream)

State of Slim

Americans are getting fatter. A third of them are now obese—not just a few pounds overweight, but heavy enough to put their health in jeopardy. But, one state bucks the trend. Colorado is the leanest state in the nation, but not because of something in the air or the water. Rather, it’s where diet, activity, and environment perfectly intersect. From their Denver-based research facility, leading weight-loss experts Dr. James Hill and Dr. Holly Wyatt set out to discover why Coloradans are so slim and how they stay that way. They studied the patients in their weight-loss clinic along with the lean people of Colorado. They also looked for clues in the National Weight Control Registry, a scientific database of thousands of successful “losers” across the country who have dropped an average of 70 pounds and kept it off for 6 years. Their comparison of these groups led to an aha moment—the discovery of 6 simple habits that keep people in a state of slim. With proof that you can live like a lean Coloradan anywhere, Hill and Wyatt used those 6 habits as the foundation for their revolutionary plan, the Colorado Diet. Unlike most “diets,” this one reveals the secrets of people who are in the state of slim, whether it’s because they’ve always been slender or because they’ve lost weight and kept it off over the long term. This is critical, because what you need to do to for long-term weight maintenance is different from what you do to lose weight. You must repair your metabolism. If you don’t, you can drop pounds, but you won’t keep them off. The NWCR participants and Colorado residents had intuitively uncovered the right blend of food, activity, and habits that keep metabolism in top working order. Follow their lead, and you’ll be able to actually eat more food and still stay at a healthy weight. The Colorado Diet is divided into three phases with very clear objectives: Reignite, Rebuild, and Reinforce your metabolism. In the Reignite and Rebuild phases, you’ll drop 20 pounds in just 8 weeks as you discover how to eat and move so that you are working with, rather than against, your body’s metabolism. With a new, flexible metabolism, you’ll progress into the Reinforce phase, where you’ll continue to lose weight and solidify your new lifestyle. Along the way, you’ll learn how to make changes in your environment and your mind-set so they support, rather than thwart, your success. By following the Colorado Diet, you’ll get your body into a State of Slim for good.

The 80/20 Diet

The 80/20 Diet

The Warrior Diet

Along with the many benefits of leisure-class living comes obesity and its attendant ailments. In The Warrior Diet, Ori Hofmekler looks not forward but backward for a solution–to the primal habits of early cultures such as nomads and hunter-gatherers, the Greeks, and the Romans. Based on survival science, this book proposes not ordinary dietary changes but rather a radical yet surprisingly simple lifestyle overhaul. Drawing on both scientific studies and historical data, Hofmekler argues that robust health and a lean, strong body can best be achieved by mimicking the classical warrior mode of cycling—working and eating sparingly (undereating) during the day and filling up at night. Specific elements from the Warrior Diet Nutritional Program (finding ideal fuel foods and food combinations to reduce body fat) to the Controlled Fatigue Training Program (promoting strength, speed, and resilience to fatigue through special drills), literally reshape body and mind. Individual chapters cover warrior meals and recipes; sex drive, potency, and animal magnetism; as well as personalizing the diet for women. Featuring forewords by Fit for Life author Harvey Diamond and Fat That Kills author Dr. Udo Erasmus, The Warrior Diet shows readers weary of fad diets how to attain enduring vigor, explosive strength, a better appearance, and increased vitality and health.

The Microbiome Diet

The groundbreaking program that connects the microbiome and gut health to healthy weight loss, complete with a 3-phase plan and recipes Cutting-edge science has shown that the microbiome is the key to overall mental and physical health–and the secret behind healthy, sustainable weight loss. Drawing on nearly two decades of experience as a specialist in functional medicine and intestinal health, Dr. Raphael Kellman has developed the first diet based on these scientific breakthroughs. Offering a proven program to heal your gut and reset your metabolism, along with meal plans and 50 delicious chef-created recipes, The Microbiome Diet is the key to safe, sustainable weight loss and a lifetime of good health. “Dr. Kellman masterfully presents a life enhancing, actionable plan based on this emerging science in a way that is user-friendly, for all of us.” –Dr. David Perlmutter, New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain

The Body Reset Diet

America has gone way overboard trying to beat the bulge. We’ve tried every diet out there–low-carb, low-fat, all-grapefruit–and spent hours toiling on treadmills and machines, to no avail. It’s time for readers to hit the reset button and start over with a new perspective on weight loss. In The Body Reset Diet, celebrity trainer and New York Times bestselling author Harley Pasternak offers readers the ultimate plan for a thinner, healthier, happier life. This three-phase program focuses on the easiest, most effective way to slim down: blending. The 5-day jump-start includes delicious, expertly crafted smoothies (White Peach Ginger, Apple Pie, and Pina Colada, to name a few), dips, snacks, and soups that keep readers satisfied while boosting their metabolism. Over the following 10 days, the plan reintroduces healthy combinations of classic dishes along with the blended recipes to keep the metabolism humming, so readers will continue to torch calories and shed pounds. The plan also explains how the easiest form of exercise–walking–along with light resistance training is all it takes to achieve the celebrity-worthy physique that we all desire. No equipment necessary! Whether readers are looking to lose significant weight or just those last 5 pounds, The Body Reset Diet offers a proven program to reset, slim down, and get healthy in just 15 days–and stay that way for good!

The Sirtfood Diet

Discover the original international diet sensation—used by Adele, heavyweight champion David Haye, and Pippa Middleton—that will help you lose seven pounds in seven days while experiencing lasting energy and eating all the foods you love. Over the past few years, fasting has become a popular diet option. Studies show that fasting—whether through moderate calorie restriction every day or the more severe but less frequent intermittent fasting—can help people lose about thirteen to fourteen pounds in six months and reduce their risk of developing disease. When we fast, our body’s energy stores activate what is known as sirtuins, or the “skinny gene,” and many positive changes ensue. Fat storage is switched off, and our body stops its normal growth processes and goes into “survival” mode. Fat burning is stimulated and the genes involved in the repair and rejuvenation of our cells are turned on—which all results to weight loss and improved resistance to disease. But if not done correctly, fasting can lead to hunger, irritability, fatigue, and loss of muscle. Enter Sirtfoods: a newly discovered group of foods that is revolutionizing healthy eating. Ranging from chocolate and red wine to garlic and walnuts, sirtfoods are particularly rich in special nutrients that help us activate the same skinny genes in our bodies that fasting triggers. Nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten have created The Sirtfood Diet to help you effectively lose weight and improve your resistance to disease, while still giving you incredible energy and glowing health.

The Fat Flush Plan

Kiss cellulite goodbye! The Fat Flush® Plan melts fat from hips, waist, and thighs in just two weeks and re-shapes your body while detoxifying your system. The Fat Flush Plan is a groundbreaking low carb/detox diet and fitness program. Fat Flush is known as the only diet program that gets rid of bloat, supports the liver, cleans up the lymph, and helps to eliminate the appearance of cellulite – for good. An international best-seller with legions of devoted followers, The Fat Flush Plan has been featured on “The View,” as well as in cover articles in Time, Glamour, Self, and many others. It is based upon essential fats (such as flax seed oil and flax seeds), balanced proteins (including eggs, meat, fish, and moderate soy) plus low-glycemic healthy carbs from fat flushing fruits and vegetables. The Plan also features “cleansing” tonics such as unsweetened cranberry juice and water, the “Long Life Cocktail,” and daily hot water and lemon juice as well as a delicious array of fat burning, water regulating, and insulin controlling herbs and spices (think cayenne, mustard, cilantro, parsley, cinnamon, and cloves).

The Best Life Diet Revised and Updated

Explains how to lose weight permanently in a resource that complements dietary guidelines with dozens of nutritionally balanced recipes.