Hapless Criminal Throws Brick At Car Window, Gets Knocked Out

Footage of the incident has gone viral after being uploaded to YouTube.

1. CCTV footage has emerged of a would-be criminal knocking himself out by trying to smash a car window with a brick.

2. ITV News reported that the footage was uploaded to YouTube by the car’s owner, Gerry Brady.

In just a couple of days it has been watched over 2 million times.

3. The minute-long clip shows a man trying to throw a brick through a Mercedes parked outside the Pheasant pub in Drogheda, Ireland.

4. It doesn’t end well for the hapless chap though — it bounces off the vehicle, hits him in the face, and knocks him out.

Brady, who also owns the Pheasant, told the Irish Independent: “When I saw him, he was lying there stone cold on the ground and his face was in ribbons.

“My first thought was that ‘this guy is after getting the **** knocked out of him’, while my girlfriend said it must have been a hit and run.”

Brady claimed the man later came round and tried to blackmail him.

The pub owner said the man asked for €50 for a taxi, and that when Brady said no the would-be-criminal threatened to burn his pub down and said he would tell the police Brady had beaten him up.

5. Brady added:

When the Gardaí picked him up, he started claiming that I attacked him. He was still telling them that in the station when I came in with the footage of him getting knocked out by his own brick.

You should have heard the Garda laughing when they saw the video. They were in stitches. Credit to them, they were straight out when we called and found the guy within minutes.

6. The Garda told the Irish Independent the incident was being investigated.

Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/richardhjames/hapless-criminal-throws-brick-at-car-window-gets-knocked-out