13 Facts About ALL That Bacteria On The NYC Subway

A team of researchers recently discovered that the NYC subway is crawling with germs. Here’s how grossed out/freaked out you should actually be.

New research found 562 different species of bacteria in the New York City subway system.

graphics.wsj.com / Via Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal created an interactive map of the findings (screen shot of that above).

BuzzFeed Life talked to one of the study authors, Chris Mason, Ph.D., geneticist at Weill Cornell Medical College, about the research, and just how grossed out you should actually be.

1. Yes, it is so, so many bacteria — but most of them are totally not a big deal.
“The vast majority of what we found are benign or inert for human health,” Mason says. And some of them may even be helpful to our health — like the bacteria associated with cleaning up toxins.

2. You should not be afraid to ride the subway, guys.
Mason isn’t. In fact, he says he’s even less freaked out now than he might have been before he did this study. “If anything, it makes me more confident,” he says. “I ride the subway every day, I bring my daughter on it with me, and the study has actually made me much more confident to grab a pole and hang on than I ever was before.”

3. It’s true, the researchers don’t even know what a lot of these bacteria even are.
“About half the DNA that we touch every day… we have no idea what they are,” Mason says. “It’s completely unclassified.”

4. But that’s an exciting thing, not scary. (At least for the researchers, anyway).
“We know based on these data that the vast majority of the DNA we touch is benign,” Mason says. “And even though a lot of it is unknown, I get excited about that because I’m surrounded by things that have never been seen before that are right under my fingertips. Much like looking at a rainforest, even. I can explore it and find new species, different animals, different plants. So I find that very exciting and invigorating to think about. Not a concern.”

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The Wall Street Journal’s interactive tool also lets you search the subway system by bacteria type. Shown here is antibiotic resistant bacteria. You can also sort by sunscreen, mozzarella cheese, and Kimchi and sauerkraut, if you’re so inclined.

5. That thing you read about the “germs that can cause bubonic plague uptown“? Don’t sweat it.
Don’t you think we’d notice if the bubonic plague were actually sweeping through our subway system and/or the Upper West Side?

“There’s been no documented case of any of the diseases that are associated with some of the DNA we found,” Mason says. “That’s additional evidence that there’s no reason whatsoever to be concerned. It’s really a testament I supposed to what the immune system can do.” The human body: AMAZING.

6. The more dense the population, the greater the diversity of bacteria.
“If you look at an average station in the Bronx, for example, it will have more unique species of bacteria than a station in Manhattan or Staten Island,” Mason says, because the Bronx has greater population density.

7. But more diverse bacteria might actually be a good thing, especially for younger people.
This is due to the “hygiene hypothesis,” Mason says. “It’s a hypothesis being studied in microbiology that thinks about the immune system. Martin Blaser recently wrote a book about this, called Missing Microbes. The idea actually is that when you’re younger, your immune system needs to have the ability for target practice, essentially — it needs to be exposed to antigens. In the absence of that, you’ll actually have a higher risk of asthma and allergies later in life. So to some degree, the greater bacterial diversity found in the surfaces is probably a good thing.” (He pointed out that they didn’t study this specifically in their research, but it’s a general idea that microbiologists are paying attention to lately.)

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The Wall Street Journal tool shows that there were 96 types of bacteria found at Atlantic Av-Barclays Center station in Brooklyn. Those bacteria include UTI bugs, food poisoning, and bacteria from heart-valve infections, among many others.

8. The railings contained the greatest diversity of bacteria.
Mason and his colleagues swabbed railings, seats, turnstiles, kiosks, and trashcans — basically everything that gets a LOT of use all day every day in a subway.

9. But those same metal railings had less total DNA on them than the wooden benches did.
So the bacteria on the poles was most diverse, but there was less of it total compared to other surfaces. “Metal in general is a good idea versus say wood, which can absorb a lot of things,” Mason says. The same can probably be said about seats with fabric on them (looking at you, San Francisco), but they didn’t test that in this study.

10. The bacterial DNA left in some stations could actually predict the ancestry of the people who live in that area.
This didn’t apply to high-traffic areas or to places with a lot of tourists, but in neighborhoods that lean predominantly toward one specific race or ethnicity, the subway bacteria reflected that.

“There are ancestry informative markers, genetic markers that can tell you where you come from in the world, whether you’re Finnish, or you’re British, Japanese, and so on,” Mason says. “There’s a catalogue of genetic variants that are known to be distributed around the world. And we can use the knowledge of human genetic variation, and take that data and combine it with census data, and when we blend those two together we see a mirror of them on the surface of the subway.”

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As you can see from the WSJ tool, bacteria from mozzarella cheese was found all over the city. New Yorkers love their pizza.

11. Hurricane Sandy impacted the bacteria in South Ferry Station.
“One of the most notable stations was the South Ferry Station,” Mason says. “So it had a unique mixture, and also some lower levels of bacteria. It was a very unique station in that regard, and it’s because it had been so flooded.”

12. There’s a lot of cheese bacteria in the subway because New Yorkers love their pizza.
Oh, and Mason doesn’t think that people are just barfing up pizza on the subway all the time (we asked him). “I think it’s because people eat pizza and they don’t wash their hands after they eat it and they touch the subway railings.” Sounds about right.

13. No subway stations are better or worse than others when it comes to nasty bugs.
“When we looked at one station every hour on the hour, the microbial diversity changes so fast because you have tens of thousands of hands touching every surface,” Mason says. “To say that one station is better or worse than another at one snapshot in time would be unfair to that station, because it could be different the next day. And also everything that would be there would likely be normal healthy things anyway. So I don’t want people to avoid a subway station just because of one dataset from one or two days.”

Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/carolynkylstra/subway-bacteria

11 Ways To Deal With Gym Germs That Are Only Quasi-Germophobic

Gyms are filthy garbage cans. But they’re garbage cans that facilitate physical fitness. Learn how to use one without becoming patient zero.

Between the aroma of human funk in the locker room and seeing people’s sweat prints all over mats and machines, it’s reasonable to assume that gyms are pretty hectic germ-wise.

But if we follow a few easy, expert-approved tips, even the most germaphobic among us can enjoy fitness.

Getty Images/iStockphoto Dario Lo Presti

BuzzFeed Life asked Kelly Reynolds, Ph.D., director of the Environment, Exposure Science and Risk Assessment Center at the University of Arizona’s College of Public Health to explain germs, how they live, work, and spread, and what measures gym-goers can take to minimize our exposure to these infection- and sickness-causing microorganisms. Here’s what she said.

1. Understand which germs are where.

“Moist environments are more efficient at spreading germs,” Reynolds says. Between sweaty equipment and mats, wet sinks and showers, and humid saunas, gyms are basically life-giving spas for germs.

The two germs to be aware of in the gym environment are Trichophyton, the fungus that causes Athlete’s Foot, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a type of Staph bacteria that causes skin infections that can become life threatening if it enters the blood. Both spread when your skin touches a contaminated surface or object (say a mat, seat, or free weights). Broken or torn skin — including skin with microabrasions caused by shaving — is especially vulnerable to MRSA.

2. Find out what the gym’s cleaning protocol is.

Unlike our home bathrooms, which typically get heavy use in the morning and then have the whole day to dry out, gym locker rooms are highly trafficked throughout the day, which means that they’re pretty much always damp — a germ’s favorite place to be. To deal with this properly, gym locker rooms and bathrooms should be cleaned and disinfected multiple times per day. Reynolds recommends asking a manager to explain the gym’s cleaning and disinfecting protocol.

3. Wipe down surfaces with disinfectant wet wipes.

Reynolds says that gyms are among the environments most “contaminated with bodily fluids.” Um, ew. Wipe down the surface of anything you’re about to use (and if you want to be courteous about it, whatever you’ve just used) and enjoy your reduced-germ workout.

4. Clean, cover, and protect any open skin.

From paper cuts to hang nails, open skin should be covered when you’re in the gym. Broken skin makes you more vulnerable to germs like MRSA. After your workout, remove the bandage and wash the area.

5. Wash your hands.

When people in a work environment wash their hands regularly, it can reduce the spread of viruses by almost 80%, according to a study Reynolds and her colleagues recently conducted. 80 percent, people! Proper hand-washing means scrubbing with soap for about 20 seconds, rinsing, and drying completely, either by air-drying or with a clean towel, single-use towel. Jim Arbogast, Ph.D., Vice President at GOJO Industries, the inventors of Purell, recommends keeping an alcohol-based sanitizer in your gym bag.

By the way, it’s important to de-germify your hands before that post-workout snack goes anywhere near your mouth. And wash your hands before you touch your eyes and nose, also; those are mucus membranes, which readily absorb substances, including potentially harmful ones.

6. Wash your body properly, too.

Look, germs happen. And although there’s no official protocol for showering, Reynolds says it’s “reasonable and plausible” to assume that the same kind of stuff we do for clean hands — lather up, scrub, rinse, dry with a clean towel — makes for proper showering, and that you really ought to shower as soon as you reasonably can after each workout.

7. And wash your gym clothes often.

Resist the urge to get an extra wear or two out of your gym clothes — you really should wash them after just a single use. Wash with an enzyme-containing detergent, and dry on high heat (the scalding dryer is where most germs are killed). If you’ve got sensitive skin and a closet full of air dry-only workout clothes, not to worry. Choose a fragrance- and dye-free detergent made specifically for dealing with extra-sweaty and (therefore extra-germy) workout clothes.

8. You know what, fuck it, if it comes into contact with the gym, wash it.

Think of your gym bag as a germ tote. It rests on the gym floor, hangs out in lockers, holds your sweaty gear, etc. (You know what sat on the locker room bench before your duffel bag, right?) Like your hands, body, and clothes, it, too needs to be washed and dried regularly. The drill: hot water, good detergent, thorough drying.

9. BYO towel.

Reynolds said that even “clean” gym towels (the ones provided by the gym to members) have been shown to transmit the hardier germs like fungus. If you’re bringing your own towel, you know that it’s been laundered properly and frequently.

10. Wear flip-flops in the locker room (and other footwear everywhere else).

Athlete’s Foot, the itchy and sometimes stinging and burning rash-like fungal infection that shows up on the feet and between the toes, is common in people who work out. This is because Trichophyton, the fungus that causes Athlete’s Foot, grows on sweaty feet that are wearing damp socks and jammed into sneakers. It can spreads via floors, linens, mats, towels, etc. In conclusion, don’t go barefoot in the gym. If you’re taking yoga, Pilates, and so on, wear socks or yoga shoes. And for godssake wear flip-flops in the shower and around the locker room.

11. Your water bottle is gross; wash it now.

If you carry a reusable bottle around the gym, consider it a germ thermos (germos?) by the end of your workout. Wash it after every single time you bring it to the gym. And if you can get your hands on a bottle that doesn’t need to be unscrewed or opened before sipping, you’ll minimize germ transfer. Reynolds recommends washing your bottle in warm water, scrubbing well to loosen dirt or particles (which house germs) and drying it thoroughly. Use a dishwasher instead if you have access to one — it’ll use super hot water and dry the bottle after cleaning, minimizing that moisture that germs love.

Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/sallytamarkin/circle-circle-dot-dot-now-you-have-a-cootie-shot