Here Are Seriously Impressive Pumpkin Carvings. They’re No Ordinary Gourds.

It’s finally fall and you know what that means: your porch is in desperate need of a jack-o-lantern.

Instead of the same old silly face you create every year, why not try to kick it up a notch with your carving knife? Take a look at some of these impressive pumpkins and you’ll definitely get inspired to give your own fancy gourd a shot. They’re extra-gourd-inary!

1.) A geometric gourd.

2.) Peek-a-b—omg.

3.) Who needs a lampshade when you have a pumpkin?

4.) Some scary skull action.

5.) This guy has a serious case of helmet hair.

6.) Can you see the meta-pumpkin through the trees?

7.) These eyes are spooky realistic.

8.) Jack Skellington sends his regards.

9.) This would look great at Hogwarts.

10.) A Dia De Los Muertos homage.

11.) I hope this Death Star isn’t as vulnerable as the original.

12.) “Ugh, it still has its seeds.”

13.) Make use of the stem AND the olives no one in your house likes!

14.) Thank goodness this pumpkin is against cannibalism.

15.) This pumpkin is for The Birds.

16.) This guy is clearly judging you…

17.) Where the wild pumpkins are.

18.) This is a gorgeous Ganesha-gourd.

19.) I think this guy has a headache.

20.) This pumpkin had too much sugar.

21.) The last samurai pumpkins.

22.) With great pumpkins comes great responsibility.

23.) Legos creating their own likeness.

24.) Much fancier than a regular bouquet.

25.) What a dreamy carousel.

26.) Spooky shapes.

27.) Good news: rotting pumpkins can get in the fun too.

28.) Those poor oranges never saw it coming.

29.) This extraterrestrial is way creepier than E.T.

30.) Howl-oween.

31.) A pumpkin fit for a Khaleesi.

32.) This is a pumpkin feast.

33.) This pumpkin has some things to say.

34.) Art gecko.

35.) This sea turtle seems just fine on land.

36.) Ouch…

37.) Puss in Boots has never looked cuter.

38.) Wolfman seems less scary in gourd form.

39.) You’d look this mad if you tried to breathe through a pumpkin, too.

40.) Yep. This is what the child of Slimer from Ghostbusters and Tooie from Little Shop of Horrors would look like.

41.) Gourd sweet gourd.

(H/T: This Old House.)

Now you’re ready to crack open your own pumpkin and see what you can do. We can’t wait to see what you make!

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30 Normal Things That Are Totally Staring Back At You Right Now.

Do you ever get the feeling that you’re being watched? Like, all the time? Some people might call you paranoid, but we understand. You’re totally not crazy. There are things watching you.

When you really pay attention to the world around you, it can seem like everything is giving you the eye. Take a look at the inanimate objects who definitely have their own pair of peepers and may be staring at you…right…now…

1.) These chill Nikes say, “Yeah, just do whatever.”

2.) Storage with a smile!

3.) This guy is regretting his lip-ring.

4.) That’s a fancy mustache ya got there, buddy.

5.) The guest towels don’t really look all that inviting.

6.) It’s exhausting keeping time all hours of the day.

7.) This is how I feel when I drink coffee.

8.) So this is what Robocop has been up to lately.

9.) “You drink my tears!”

10.) “So then she said it wasn’t his baby.” “Oh my GOSH!”

11.) His feast of leaves has begun.

12.) These windows are confused why you would ever spend time in a different room.

13.) Bat-berg: not the iceberg we deserve, but the one we need.

14.) “Oh my goodness… I’m.. I’m beautiful!”

15.) It’s time for someone to get their brows done…

16.) “You like me! You really like me!.. To hang things for you!”

17.) I feel like I’ve seen this guy somewhere before…

18.) This alarm clock is just as sad as you about waking up.

19.) This is the happiest building in the world.

20.) Wait, is Fraggle Rock real life?

21.) This is quite a cheesy grin.

22.) This is exactly what my uncles look like after they’ve had a few too many at the family BBQ.

23.) Someone’s grandmother was reincarnated as this delightful seatcover.

24.) I think he’s judging this bathroom for not having earth-friendly blow-driers.

25.) This guy is feeling a little uncomfortable.

26.) This purse is so happy to not have a puppy stuffed in it.

27.) This dragonfly should have its own show on Nick Jr.

28.) These twins just love toast.

29.) There’s always one party-pooper.

30.) This little guy couldn’t be more pleased to keep you warm.

(H/T: FlickrReddit.)

I’m sure they’re all friendly faces, for the most part. We’re basically all living in a Disney cartoon waiting to happen. If you want to see more faces in different things in the world around you, visit the Faces in Places Flickr group!

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