I’m Changing My Lifestyle…
so um I'm on vacation right now so today is actually going to be a really different type of video of me kind of doing something totally new because that's kind of what I've been doing on this vacation um I do want to warn you guys that before I really start the video that I've been here for like a couple of days so you know it's Florida so it's kind of like out of the Sun and I've unfortunately got a pretty burnt like my legs were a little bit firm but I think like luckily they're not ending up being nearly as bad as my arms it seems like they kind of settle down but my arms especially they're like super red especially my left arm to the point where like I think I'm even getting like swelling yeah for sure so if any of you guys notice like the swelling or the you know the redness that's what's that from hurt my shoulder too it's like not good but anyways um yeah so what are we kind of doing here guys like it's kind of like camping like that kind of thing it's really nice camping here but yeah like very new for me so it's kind of kind of show you guys what I'm up to and I just couldn't do it and everything so yeah all right you guys so right now I'm actually just walking over to a boat I'm about to do something pretty cool I'm going to show you guys when I get there such a pretty camping view here so here we go guys all right guys so right now I'm actually just walking over towards a boat um I'm about to go on a boat ride and today I'm going somewhere pretty cool yeah I will show you guys when I get there so yeah it should be fun all right guys so I'm heading oh it's a little windy out but I'm about to head on the boat just like some people getting off we've been doing kind of a lot of boat rides do you want to say hi Mom there's my mom we've both been doing like you've been loving the camping right Mom I think so yeah so we've been um you know doing a lot of these boat rides here we love the boat and yeah I'm about to get on the next boat ride on board yeah hopefully not drop my camera in the water um but yeah oh roads are very nice they're very peaceful relaxing you know so yeah I'm walking on the boat right now okay look at how cute this boat is ah I'm on the boat right now Daddy's boats are really really cute so anyways um to get where we're gonna go we have to take a boat over to Magic Kingdom and now we're gonna take the book like we're I'm actually going so yeah I'm just kind of waiting for everyone it's really pretty here it's like really pretty water really nice boat ride I love it um so yeah look how pretty everything is yeah so pretty good awesome super pretty um yeah so you and I guess we're gonna be now fried bow it's gonna be great I love the boat so all right guys so I'm here now at this kind of like camping section of Disney never actually been here before so should be fun it should be a new experience and um yeah um we're about to go try to find something pretty cool you guys are gonna see soon but it's pretty cool here they have like these little cute tables there's like this cute little beach they have like a volleyball thing pretty cool and yeah we're trying to figure out where something is which you guys will see I don't know if I should surprise you guys they also have a playground over there I literally have no idea if you guys can see the playground but you have a cute little playground there with like swings and slides and yeah it's pretty cute they got golf carts they got these cute golf carts behind me yeah pretty cool stuff oh guys so this is where I said I was gonna go I thought I would surprise you guys sorry oh they're kind of hard to see through the gates but I wanted to come visit these horses so yeah guys at this really cute kind of like camping section a Disney um they have like really cute horses and stuff it's really cool a lot of like carnival music that's cool but yeah I had to come see these horses because they're just like in Little cages oh it's Disney music just what we love um so yeah they're so cute and sweet I love horses so I just had to come see them I've never done this while being in Disney so yeah this visit it's been fun I've hadn't been doing some things that like kind of don't normally do here so it's been a really fun time um also over here guys look at this apparently this is like a um like horse carriage that Waltz like had to buy when he was like you know doing like buying Disney things and yeah it's just like it's so pretty oh my gosh it is like the most beautiful horse carriage here's the cute little cards look at like the workmanship guys that is beautiful and they even all have names sorry if my camera's boring at all you guys can see it says Skyler and then Clydesdale I don't know if that's where he's from or what but super cute hi Skyler oh I know we got Brutus over here oh like a different kind of different colored horse he's so sweet and cute too and then we have Grady oh my gosh there's this is like a white one oh he's so beautiful it's like eating his hay so sweet he's doing like a mukbang video for you guys just kidding but yeah he's so cute and yeah you guys like you know you'll see these like in Magic Kingdom and places like that like you'll see the like the really beautiful horses not positive because I've never gone to visit these before but yeah Disney literally always has like the most beautiful horses so it's really cool like kind of getting to come here oh and just like spend more time with them and just get to like really see them so yeah so nice oh my gosh because Ponies are like my faves I love ponies look at these cute little ponies these are like the really small ones they're adorable we were talking to some of the ladies that work here they're really really nice everyone who works at Disney's so nice they were telling us like weddings and things like that these are some of like the Cinderella ponies and stuff I had to film some of the ponies for you guys and hi Samson guys this one came over you guys just missed it but he just came over to say hi to me sadly I kind of just turned filming but I promised you guys it happens he's such a beautiful horse this is Samson hi Simpson they are so beautiful you guys where's rat oh rat I know red is a big one that's amazing red is beautiful they're all beautiful horses so yeah guys this is a really cool experience I've never done this while being in Disney so it's been like very very nice love to see these horses oh and this is cool too you guys so they have a bunch of like Walt pictures and Disney pictures just kind of showing some of these horses super cool I don't know why everything's so bored today sorry guys but yeah what what I don't know if you loved horses so much it's so cool oh my gosh because look at Skyward Skyler is beautiful look at his eyes they're so blue oh my gosh he is so beautiful you guys he's so beautiful he is like one of the most beautiful horses he's looking at us we love you Skyler his eyes are so pretty they're so blue I know look at his ears he's just like this thing's so cool what a nice horse his eyes are amazing my mom's loving this yeah it's okay I think it's starting to rain so it's like everyone is we love them yeah we had a [ __ ] bye we had to show you guys Skyler because like in all of them but like I always get such pretty eyes oh my gosh all right yeah Brutus oh hi Brutus Curtis is like right up front here great all gravy's leaving oh oh so beautiful amazing oh my gosh they're gonna walk by us oh that is so amazing wow you guys that was amazing it doesn't get better than that doesn't mom that is amazing we love these horses they are great very magical amazing and these cute ponies we love them Leo and Desi oh hi Cheetah cheetah oh that's so cute he is so cute with his uh forehead you can put him on his neck just not on his mouth [Music] uh just not his mouth it's not his mouth lots of shampoos and conditioners and hairsprays and you name it we got it there and only the best for these guys [Music] look crazy you reminded me that I had it over there I don't know what I'm doing that's okay which one is Leo right Leo Leo I've never felt one before very soft Leo you're beautiful you are beautiful Leo [Music] oh my gosh now he stays the size so this is a little bit he is full grown that's amazing I love them me too oh my gosh this is the best day you have a look at the break's amazing that's so beautiful helps keep them cool and it looks really cute it doesn't look so cute I can't thank you enough yeah thank you so much so here I am here so there's this like beautiful kind of like rustic camping Bridge so you know I'm just gonna kind of go over the bridge just get that like nice kind of rustic feel sorry again guys I know my arm is like destroyed [Applause] right yeah [Music] yeah I love those guys they're so cute yep going over this lace Bridge here yes all right here I am Yellowstone National Park here we uh [Music] [Music] all right guys so thank you guys for watching me basically have a whole new experience today kind of doing a camping Vibe kind of thing it's kind of waiting for the boat back from like kind of camping section right now and it's been a great day here so yeah um if you guys like the video subscribe like the video all that all right I love you guys see you guys another video soon bye
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