Hi, Sebelius, ‘thrilled’ doesn’t suggest what you may believe it means


HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was in Hill today for a grilling by folks in the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The lady simply just just who “feels like” medical.gov is safe furthermore seems like the recently uninsured are very darn satisfied with Obamacare.


Joke or jerk? You choose.

http://twitter.com/#!/Shoeboxnre/status/410801318421594112 http://twitter.com/#!/jaschrein/status/410797824305938432 http://twitter.com/#!/jfgroves/status/410797957098004480 http://twitter.com/#!/JKment/status/410800167990738944

Maybe it’s just a math blunder?


Hey, funnygirl. Title businesses.


Some times, “English pissed” noises good.

Learn more: http://twitchy.com/2013/12/11/hey-sebelius-thrilled-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/