Katie Pavlich shreds Carol Costello’s ‘apology’ for Bristol Palin mockery


Earlier this week, CNN host and “feminist” Carol Costello referred to audio which aired on CNN in which Bristol Palin described a possible assault by a man as “the best minute and a half of audio we’ve come across in a long time.”

Costello obviously got a real kick out of the recording (video here), but she later said she was sorry:

Over the past few days I have been roundly criticized for joking about a brawl involving the Palin family. In retrospect, I deserve such criticism and would like to apologize.

Katie Pavlich isn’t buying it:

Your move, Ms. Costello.



Dean Cain unconvinced by Carol Costello: ‘No apology can hide her smugness’

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/25/disgusting-katie-pavlich-shreds-carol-costellos-apology-for-bristol-palin-mockery/