Minor League Baseball Team To Hold “Brian Williams’ Pants-On-Fire Night”

The Akron RubberDucks, a Double-A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians, will host a themed night mocking the recently suspended NBC News anchor.

1. The Akron RubberDucks, the Cleveland Indians’ Double-A affiliate team, have announced they will hold a “Brian Williams’ Pants-on-Fire Night” night on April 27th, which happens to be National Tell a Story Day.

2. The team says fans will be treated to “lie-detector testing, giveaway suspenders, and more.”

Other activities will include “a between-inning chance for fans to audition to be the next television news anchor on the video board, with the fan-voted winner’s video sent to NBC” and “On-field contests, including ‘To Tell the Truth’ and ‘Two Truths & a Brian Williams,'” also known as “Two Truths and a Lie.”

3. The RubberDucks are also seeking a fan named Brian Williams to throw out the first pitch, read “tall tales,” and offer up a pair of pants to be lit aflame in a “‘pants on fire’ ceremony.”

4. Earlier this week, NBC News announced Brian Williams–of NBC Nightly News, not an Akron-based baseball fan–will be suspended for six months without pay after it was revealed he “misremembered” an incident that took place in Iraq in 2003.

Phil Mccarten / Reuters

5. By the time the RubberDucks hold their Brian Williams-themed night, he will be over two months into his suspension.

Will the suspension still be relevant at the end of April? It seems the RubberDucks are taking that bet. But as Don Van Natta Jr. of ESPN said on Tuesday:

Six months in 24-hour news-cycle time is 42 years.

— DVNJr (@Don Van Natta Jr.)

Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lindseyadler/minor-league-baseball-team-to-hold-brian-williams-pants-on-f