ATOMIC HABITS – Tiny Changes that Create Remarkable Results – James Clear
[Music] it’s not that luck and Randomness and uncertainty  don’t play a role in life they do you know luck   luck is a part of all of our Lives to a certain  degree both good fortune and bad but by definition  
you don’t have control over luck and your habits  also matter and I think that the reason they’re   so worthwhile uh to focus on and understand is  that they are the portion of your life that you   can influence that also determines your outcomes  it’s not just luck it’s not just habits but one  
of those you have control over and so it makes  sense the only reasonable strategy is to focus on   what you can control if you spend all of your time  focusing on things you can’t control then you’re   just going to end up frustrated and so I think  habits are maybe the best lever for that talent  
and genes uh they play a role and it’s important  you know people have natural predispositions to   things that make them better but what you find  is that nearly always when someone is a great   performer in a particular domain they are both  Well Suited so naturally talented or have some  
kind of predisposition to that area and well  trained and so even if you are talented you   can’t succeed without having great habits to  to execute and to fully realize the potential   that you have your outcomes in life are often  a lagging measure of your habits you know like  
a lot of the time people talk about you know I  want to have more money or I want to lose weight   or I want some kind of result but the truth is  your bank account is a lagging measure of your   financial habits your weight is a lagging measure  of your eating habits your knowledge is a lagging  
measure of your learning and reading habits and  so it’s actually we think the thing that needs   to change is the bank account or the test score  or the number on the scale but actually the thing   that needs to change are the habits that precede  those outcomes every action you take is kind of  
like a vote for the type of person you want to  become and if you can Master the right actions   if you can Master the right habits then you  can start to cast votes for this new identity   this desired person that you want to be and I  think that’s one of the reasons why small habits  
matter so much they don’t necessarily transform  your life overnight right right away like doing   one push-up does not transform your body but it  does cast a vote for being the type of person   who doesn’t miss workouts or meditating for one  minute might got not give you an immediate sense  
of calm in your life but it does cast a vote for  being a meditator the real goal is not to run a   marathon the goal is to become a runner goal is  not to write a book the goal is to become a writer   because once you’ve adopted that identity you’re  really not even pursuing Behavior change anymore  
you’re just kind of acting in alignment with  the type of person you already see yourself to   be it’s kind of like true Behavior changes really  identity change because once you’ve changed that   internal story it’s way easier to show up each  day you’re not even really motivating yourself  
that much to do it you’re just like this is who  I am now there’s a sort of an a misalignment of   rewards that often happens with habits so there’s  an immediate outcome an immediate reward and then   an ultimate reward and for your bad habits one  reason bad habits stick so readily that they they  
form so easily is because bad habits often the  immediate reward is favorable right like what’s   the immediate reward of eating a donut it’s kind  of great it’s sweet it’s sugary it tastes good   it’s only the ultimate reward if you repeat that  habit for six months or a year or two years that  
is unfavorable meanwhile good habits are often the  exact opposite the immediate reward of going to   the gym or going to the gym for like a week isn’t  really that great your body’s probably sore you   don’t have much to show for it your body looks the  same your weight hasn’t really changed but it’s if  
you stick to that for six months or a year or two  years then the ultimate reward is favorable and   so a lot of the balance or a lot of the challenge  of building good habits and Breaking Bad Ones is   figuring out how to pull the long-term costs of  your bad habit habits into the present moment so  
you feel a little bit of that pain right now and  have a reason to avoid it and pull the long-term   rewards of your good habits into the present  moment so it feels good and you have a reason to   kind of make it through that like valley of death  in the beginning and stick with it while you’re  
waiting for those delayed rewards to accumulate  I think we could just summarize that whole uh   cognitive bias or mismatch uh misalignment of  rewards by saying the cost of your good habits   is in the present and the cost of your bad habits  is in the future and the fact that we prioritize  
the present over the future ends up making a  lot of habit change difficult for that reason   if I was going to give some practical takeaways  uh I would say first thing that you can do is   probably optimize your environment because  sometimes that’s all you need to do so might  
as well start there and then maybe it’ll take  care of itself you know like I mentioned putting   the apples in a bowl on the counter that  was all I need to do and then the habit   of eating apples every day was done uh or  maybe uh you know putting your TV inside a  
wall unit or something maybe that’ll be enough  to reduce it or curb the The Habit unsubscribe   from the food blogs and now you’re not tempted  to eat as many cookies or something like that   um mobile phone super important yes right things  like that removing the the applications or like  
you deleting Instagram off your phone well that  was enough now your Instagram habit is roughly   where you want it to be and you just look on  the desktop instead of on your phone and that   that was enough and now you’re you’re fixed  so environment design good place to start next  
thing that I would recommend is the two minute  Rule and scaling your habits down making them   as easy as possible basically just down scale  it to a point where you can answer the question   can I stick to this habit 98 of the time without  fail no matter what the conditions and if you have  
to say no to that then it’s probably too big to  start so you know pretty much every habit has   an entry point uh or the first thing that you try  to do just focus on mastering that and uh I think   that’s a good place to focus and then building  off of that the the last one that I recommend is  
um there’s this great story that I mentioned  in the book about Twyla Tharp the famous dance   choreographer and instructor and she trains  for still even now she trains for two hours   a day she’s you know 50s 60s she’s been  training for a long time dancing her whole  
career but she doesn’t actually focus on the  exercise habit The Habit that she focuses on   building is I put on my workout clothes and  my sweatshirt and I hail the cab on the side   of the street and if I’ve done that then I’ve  completed the habit and I think the the Insight  
that she realized is that habits are often  the entry point not the end point they’re   the cab not the gym they’re like an entrance  ramp to the bigger routines in your life and   if you can master that habit that like little  decisive moment that determines what happens  
in the next chunk of time then the rest of it  kind of Falls in line like I have this moment   each morning where either I open up Evernote  and I start writing the next article I’m going   to work on or I go to ESPN to check the latest  sports news and what happens in the next hour  
is really determined by what happens in the  first like 30 seconds because if I go to ESPN   then the next hour is kind of shot but if I start  writing the article if I master that entry point   then I’m kind of speeding in the right direction  and the momentum carries me into the rest of the  
task and I think that for me that’s a little bit  inspiring when it comes to building habits because   what you realize is that there’s actually not  that much to change there may be five or ten of   those little decisive moments those little entry  points throughout your day that determine whether  
the next chunk of time is productive or not and  if you can organize your environment or join   a community or restructure your habits so that  those entry points are mastered then you’re much   more likely to live a good productive day and so  I think that those three things environment design  
scale your habits down and master the entry points  those are some really good places to start foreign [Music] the information in this video comes from  the Fantastic book Atomic Habits by James Clear   this book is jam-packed with simple tools  that you can apply to change your habits and  
dramatically improve your life right now you can  listen to Atomic habits on Audible which has the   world’s largest library of audiobooks and makes it  incredibly easy to digest the material while you   are working exercising gardening or on the go I  use it all the time while drawing these animations  
let audible help you discover new ways to laugh  Be Inspired or be entertained new members can try   it free for 30 days visit after  skool or text after skool to 500-500 that’s after skool or text after skool to  500 500 to try audible free for 30 days [Music]
Source : Youtube

Published by

Leaman Ralph

Really sugar is shaky because it originates from a straight stick see the play is Granny yes Grandma plus new style luv MaryJane so listen (Granny Apple last years blue ribbon production winner AKA) I, I, I ain't on the right side of my house Jane something or the other is in my room: finally after an extermination Grannie speaks once more "let my (old man) Pacman step on it". See it is home on the range so solo as it be truity speaks got a problem it is your own. But alter scenario: Z/n time; narcotics I got that candy Bar itch its' and Mickey Mouse for the Sultan 7 1 4er well a hem a hem, it went early in the morning like a smack chanting sugar structure 7 -one 1 +eleven and 4 do an ate 'er 8 eight 'er? Well that aint nice. NARCO says do you know them numbers change (response) Yes it is a FiX they are MF's Ope yeah Ope Douglas is it. Surrounded by Alkaloid is both Mary and Grandma in an never ending circle of membership. French mandates declare put up their dukes... ZEN Pepsi can talk half Chocolate and your ole man Pacman down in Cuba posing as the worlds one and only Coffee Wizard "back 1:1" tis Coffee time... ||