WaPo’s Parker bets lots think ‘Pres. Bloomberg’?; Twitter bets she’s nuts


Oh, dear. If there was ever a time for “bless her precious heart,” this is it. The often hurl-worthy Kathleen Parker of The Washington Post seemingly tweeted that genius remark this morning (the account is unverified).

Okay, maybe it doesn’t top her sickening ode to President Obama  few years ago. But, it’s close. The Parker Twitter account followed it up with some swooning over Newark Mayor Cory Booker as well. Squee! He’s so dreamy!

Bloomberg/Booker ticket, anyone?

— kathleenparker (@kathleenparker) October 30, 2012

Twitter users crossed their respective political aisles to join together … in mocking. So, there’s that! Kathleen Parker’s idiocy brings people together! Is Ms. Parker betting that people are thinking “President Bloomberg?” Well, Twitter users are united in betting that Ms. Parker is cuckoo pants.

Read, and giggle madly.

Funniest tweet of the day!RT @kathleenparker: Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) October 30, 2012

ROFL RT @kathleenparker Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— AdamSerwer (@AdamSerwer) October 30, 2012

Define “lots.” RT @kathleenparker Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— Neal D. (@Neal_Dewing) October 30, 2012

Lots of idiots, maybe. RT @kathleenparker Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) October 30, 2012

Could it be a parody account?

Are we sure that this is actually @kathleenparker and not some parody account?

— Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) October 30, 2012

@imao_ @kathleenparker Parody. Surely no one now believes Obama schooled anyone in anything — especially the military

— donsurber (@donsurber) October 30, 2012

@imao_ @kathleenparker Well, she’s embracing big government nannies, so it checks out.

— Andrew Boucher (@AndrewBoucher) October 30, 2012

Hmm. The account was linked as the real Ms. Parker’s by Fox News last month.

Either way, Twitter users continue to offer some hilarious mockery. It’s hard to tell if it is a parody or not; That’s what happens when one becomes a self-parody all on her own.

She’s quite mad, you know. RT @kathleenparker Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— Jon G. (@ExJon) October 30, 2012

@exjon @kathleenparker I would have guessed they are thinking @elbloombito

— Pie Guevara (@PieGuevara) October 30, 2012


— James Taranto (@jamestaranto) October 30, 2012

RT @krysilove: Said no one. RT @kathleenparker Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— daveweigel (@daveweigel) October 30, 2012

RT @cameron_gray: Sure, let’s ban large sodas and have a nationwide nanny state – RT @kathleenparker: Bloomberg/Booker ticket, anyone?

— Lisa De Pasquale (@LisaDeP) October 30, 2012

@kathleenparker That is just idiotic.Did you eat paint chips as a child? @rachelveronica

— Chris Connolly (@CBConnolly) October 30, 2012

Is @kathleenparker trolling me? The idea of “President Bloomberg” is shockingly moronic. She needs to read this: pjmedia.com/weathernerd/20…

— Brendan Loy (@brendanloy) October 30, 2012

Glad to see her bong survived Sandy unscathed. #caring RT “@kathleenparker: Bloomberg/Booker ticket, anyone?”

— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) October 30, 2012

Aw. This person deluded woman is trying to find her relevance MT “@kathleenparker: Bloomberg/Booker ticket, anyone?”

— Little Miss Rightie (@LilMissRightie) October 30, 2012

Can we say “insular”? MT @adamserwer ROFL RT @kathleenparker Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking Pres Bloomberg this morning.

— Rick Geissal (@Rick_Geissal) October 30, 2012

Is that a joke? Bloomberg has been terrible. RT @kathleenparker: Bloomberg/Booker ticket, anyone?

— John Ekdahl, Jr. (@JohnEkdahl) October 30, 2012

Would they legalize the drugs you’re on? RT @kathleenparker: Bloomberg/Booker ticket, anyone?

— Neal D. (@Neal_Dewing) October 30, 2012

Things Acela-corridor people say: RT @kathleenparker: Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— Joshua Treviño (@jstrevino) October 30, 2012

I’ll take that bet. #caring RT @kathleenparker: Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) October 30, 2012

You really are one of the dimmest bulbs amongst the pundit class. RT @kathleenparker: Bloomberg/Booker ticket, anyone?

— Mark Cassill (@mcassill) October 30, 2012

About as many as watched your show RT @kathleenparker: Forget Romney/Obama. I’m betting lots are thinking President Bloomberg this morning.

— Mark Cassill (@mcassill) October 30, 2012

Zing! Remember that one? CNN booted Ms. Parker and kept Eliot Spitzer. Oh, the shame.

When choosing a straight-jacket, remember no white after Labor Day. RT @kathleenparker Bloomberg/Booker ticket, anyone?

— Sunny (@sunnyright) October 30, 2012

@kathleenparker You might want to delete your tweets. It will be embarrassing when Bloomberg’s mistakes become widely known.

— Elizabeth M (@begoniaphile) October 30, 2012

And, win.

I’ll have whatever @kathleenparker is having. But only half as much, because I don’t want to be a total asshat.

— Stephen Green (@VodkaPundit) October 30, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/30/wapos-kathleen-parker-bets-lots-are-thinking-president-bloomberg-twitter-bets-shes-cuckoo-pants/

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Leaman Ralph

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