Come See My Spooky Tree House!

hey everyone just wanted to let you know that i’m gonna be a part of the new odd ones out card game cafe chaos however if you want my cards in the cards of all of my friends in the animator expansion pack then you gotta go over and support the kickstarter campaign there’s only a few days left so you gotta hurry and this is the only chance to get the animator expansion pack i’ll leave a link in the description below best of luck in the food fight and onto the video good morrow explainers and entertainers i hope your gardens are thriving and your mental state is relatively still intact as many of you have pointed out in the last video my place of residence has changed i’ve been upgraded as it were i got a treehouse you know up that was the that was the joke uh my dream of becoming the witch of the woods has finally been realized well at least for me toon becca that is live action becca has a different living situation i sleep at this desk since a lot of you were so excited i thought i might quickly show you around been doing a lot of diy during quarantine ever since i stumbled upon the place oh funny story there i was cavorting about alone in the woods as one does on one of my slowly slipping into madness nature walks when i came upon this abandoned tree house high up in the branches of this massive tree that was quite a climb let me tell you when i got to the top it looked like the place had been abandoned for decades and in the middle of the floor i found this note it said light no longer fills this home these haunted woods are catalyst for the demons and ghosts that torment me i must leave this place may no living football be heard upon these floorboards again i got a frame for it and in my mind this gives me full liberty to claim finders keepers my treehouse now so shall we a high-tech elevator system fashioned together by yours truly and also it’s fun to the heavens admittedly there are some drawbacks to the design only holds one person takes multiple trips if i have a lot of groceries and then there’s the perpetual threat of a multi-story fall fortunately for me i’ll just land with a thud and leave a me shaped hole in the ground one of the advantages of being a tune i suppose here we are on the front porch good spot for sunbathing at the right time of day though honestly i can never do a thing with this fair complexion of mine then thinking about getting one of those fancy doorbell cameras though no one is offering to come visit even after this quarantined business can’t imagine why i want all the local kids to call me the witch of the woods and tell stories about how i’ll steal your toes if you get too close to my house it is a mystery wipe your feet please oh and if you’re wondering why the place looks different than the last video yeah sorry about that i was in the middle of painting it the whole thing is still a bit of a work in progress but i’d like to think that i’m following the example of good old uncle walt when he said disneyland will never be completed so you’ll forgive me if some of the rooms aren’t ready or the animatronics get a little confrontational never mind that let’s continue this is the living room i find there’s nothing better than kicking back in a big old easy chair with a roaring fire warming your feet either doing a little drawing or engrossing oneself in a good book i will say when the wind blows outside this room does tend to make noises a little spooky at night but yeah i enjoy it it’s very atmospheric i mean it’s just the wind right ah well moving on here’s a fancy little room you may remember from the last video my own home theater complete with an extensive collection of films and cartoons as far back as the 1910s took a lot of digging to find them too still on the search for some lost gems here and there but it makes me feel like a modern day cultural archaeologist some of you may be wondering rebecca why don’t you just get a normal tv with a bunch of streaming services and to that i say leave me alone i have a computer for all that and besides there’s something remarkably nostalgic about the clatter of an old projector wind shall we venture upstairs here we have the sleeping place also known as my room i tell you nothing beats sitting in bed by candlelight just listening to the sounds of the forest at night i made the bed frame myself the branches are from this forest in fact you see what happened was [Music] hmm that storm sounds close whoa how lucky am i they smell like burning so like i said oodles the place is still a work in progress so that’s all the rooms i have ready for you right now but i will show you one more before we go dreams really do come true because wi-fi and a sauna baby now i’ve had a long day so i’m just gonna sit in here and relax for a while you can show yourself that i’m sure just straight out the front door though watch out for that first step it’s a lulu thank you so much for tuning in but now i gotta tune out bye you

As found on YouTube