Take the hassle out of school supply shopping with a supply bundle filled with everything your child needs to start the school year off right. The art supplies are great for your young artists to use on art, school projects, coloring pages and many more creative uses. This massive kit includes everything your kindergarten thru 6th grader needs for the first day of school whether in person or homeschooled. It could also make a great gift for teachers or tutors.Bundle includes:
-(1) 3 ring binder
-(3) plastic folders with pockets
-(2) wide ruled spiral notebooks
-(1) pack of wide ruled 120 sheets filler paper
-(1) standard 12 inch ruler
-(1) clear plastic pencil case
-(1) pair of blunt tip scissors
-(1) pencil sharpener
-(1) Elmer’s glue
-(2) glue sticks
-(2) rubber erasers
-(1) pack of Crayola 24 count crayons
-(1) pack of Crayola 12 count colored pencils
-(8) number 2 pencils
-(10) black Bic pens