This Guy’s Wife Got Cancer, So He Did Something Unforgettable. The Last 3 Photos Destroyed Me.

The first time photographer Angelo Merendino met Jennifer, he knew she was the one. They fell in love and got married in New York’s Central Park, surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones.

Five months later Jen was diagnosed with breast cancer. From Angelo’s blog: “I remember the exact moment…Jen’s voice and the numb feeling that enveloped me. That feeling has never left. I’ll also never forget how we looked into each other’s eyes and held each other’s hands. ‘We are together, we’ll be ok.'”

Throughout her battle, Angelo decided to photograph it. He wanted to humanize  the face of cancer on the face of his wife. The photos speak for themselves.

Angelo and Jennifer’s story is tragic, but it’s in the face of a tragedy such as this that we rise above. In Angelo’s case, he has started an organization to help women with their financial struggles during their trials with breast cancer.

You can get that and much more at Angelo’s blog:

Please share this story with everyone you know. Thank you.

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Lackluster crowds for Obama campaign events!/ByronYork/status/198889914706829312

Saturday was the first official day of campaign speeches for President Obama. He spoke to Ohio State University students before traveling to Virginia for an event. One of the things that made his 2008 campaign so successful was the enormity of each crowd he spoke to. If today is an indication, those attendance numbers will drop significantly this time around.

RT @MarkLandler: Obama in Columbus. Crowd count: 14,000. Arena capacity: 18,300.

— Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) May 5, 2012

Obama launches campaign at U of Ohio to 1/2 empty hall…expected overflow crowd. Someone's not too happy with BO & its name is OHIO.

— PolitixGal (@PolitixGal) May 5, 2012

The ppl who r in Obama's crowds r 1.Paid 2.Young & STOOPID 3.Paid 4.Rubberneckers to a car crash. 5.Paid. 6. ILLEGAL 7. JUST PLAIN STUPID.

— Annie (@bloodless_coup) May 5, 2012

✔✔✔OBAMA LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN in a HALF-EMPTY ARENA ➤➤Moved people to project a larger crowd on television⬅⬅

— VICTORY! (@USVICTORY) May 5, 2012!/bladizzle/status/198890355721109504

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They Went To Let Their Cat Out And Got The Nastiest Surprise In The World. OMG.

Finding spiders in your home isn’t unusual. In fact, having spiders around is actually helpful for cutting down on other pests. However, no matter how harmless or helpful they are, finding one can be a terrible shock. And if you’re like this unlucky homeowner, it can just be flat-out terrifying. 

He opened the sliding door to let the cat out… and this is what he found.

Oh… dear… NO!

A stick of gum for size comparison.

(via Reddit)

…just think, that spider was just inches from being inside the house.

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Some #AMAs viewers wonder why show is being hosted by ‘non-American’!/shastings6/status/404780385155813376

There are many viewers of the #AMAs who questioned the choice of rapper Pitbull based purely on his hosting skills, but there are many more who don’t think he should have been allowed to host the American Music Awards because he “isn’t American,” which isn’t true.

Pitbull was born in Miami, Florida to parents who were Cuban immigrants, but obviously a lot of people don’t know that or take the time to find out:!/becky_wheeler/status/404778120705998848!/katie_grooms/status/404778557911887872!/EvelinaRogers/status/404780259964239872!/KierstenLee12/status/404779987204866048!/elayshiaa/status/404779809709903872!/joa8070/status/404779721126588416!/maddygeo/status/404779618345181184!/clifforddawgg/status/404778979930177536!/RachelKowalski/status/404779425176518656!/Cj1097McNany/status/404779178488111104

Many even want to send the Miami-born rapper “back to Cuba”:!/or4EvaHldUrPce/status/404786251444019200!/kate_cavallari/status/404783116289835009!/KatycatAudrey/status/404778334715781120

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