These 27 People Are All Awesomely Clever… And Maybe A Little Jerky. LOLOL.

Being clever is a great thing. You don’t have to be book smart or memorize a bunch of random facts to be able to outwit others. Being quick can get you ahead in life… and it can get you a lot of laughs. Take these people for example. They are almost too clever for their own good and it is awesome. I wish I could be half as quick as they are.

1.) No street parking? Not a problem.


2.) I bet those deluxe hugs are the best!


3.) BURN. (Also, awww.)


4.) Fair point.




6.) … AND it’s clean.


7.) Best (and tastiest). Idea. Ever.


8.) Epic response to a rude request.


9.) Someone’s about to get a taste of Liam Neeson justice.


10.) I’d say it’s pretty wet, yeah.


11.) D’awwww. Who would want to?


12.) … except this, I guess.


13.) Give this kid an A++++++.


14.) He isn’t wrong.


15.) Run. Run away and never return.


16.) LOL.


17.) Hm, but what IS Debbie’s?


18.) Well, you have to obey the sign.


19.) He sort-of followed orders.


20.) Hoarders gonna hoard.


21.) I love this kid.


22.) Oh, man. This is rough.


23.) WHAT? Does he not like hedgehogs?


24.) Less lights, same thing.


25.) She sure does.


26.) You gotta love his honesty.


27.) Tom Hanks for that one.


(H/T Ebaumsworld) See? They’re just too clever for their own good (and it’s awesome). Hopefully these people will inspire you to inject your own life with clever retorts and silliness. Life is meant to be enjoyed by laughing at the ridiculous. Share this with others!

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These 24 Animals Would Have Been Voted Most Photogenic At My High School

Picture day only comes once every school year, but the results can haunt you for the rest of your adult life.

My best friend and I spent the other night looking through old yearbooks and began mocking just how un-photogenic we were. Despite prepping days in advance, picking out the right outfit and posing in front of the mirror, without fail, when it came time to say cheese, something went wrong.

Wearing glasses in high school always meant that my photos came with the added bonus of a reflective glare. But not everyone can be so lucky to be remembered as the squinting guy that looks like the sun’s in his eyes. In fact, most people are quite a bit more photogenic than they think. Even their pets can pull off better school photos than I can.

With that said, here are 24 animals that would have surely been voted most photogenic in my high school’s yearbook.

1. Every freshman during their first school photo of high school — bright-eyed and fresh-faced.

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2. His mother threatened him for a good school photo, after he wasted his other eight lives.

3. Picture day means sporting your hottest outfit.

4. “I just pulled an all-nighter, so if you could hurry this up, that would be great.”

5. This dignified pooch practiced his poses in the mirror before stepping in front of the camera.

6. *Please don’t go cross-eyed, please don’t go cross-eyed.*

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7. She had a hard time deciding which dress would make her eyes pop.


9. “They said to dress nice, but this is all I had.”

10. “CHEESE!”

11. The mid-sneeze photo is the worst.

12. Someone’s having a bad hair day.

13. That head-tilt, though.

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14. “I can’t believe my mom made me dress up for this!”

15. This hippie pup made sure to accessorize for her school photos.

16. “Can I take this stupid thing off yet?”

17. “I’ll pose for this picture, right after I finish finding that bone I buried.”

18. “I’m ready for my close-up.”

19. She spent all that time perfecting her hair, only to blink when the flash went off!

20. Is this a school photo, or the movie poster for a “Dances with Wolves” remake?

21. This brings a whole new meaning to teacher’s pet.

22. Straight up cheezin’!

23. This kitty’s perfected the smize.

24. This pup brought some serious swag to his school photos.

Since high school, I’ve stepped up my selfie game a bit, but after looking at these photogenic animals, I think my posing could use some work.

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19 People Who Need To Leave Pinterest Behind Forever

There are plenty of F-words associated with recreating Pinterest projects.

Aside from the one we all start screaming when we screw up yet another batch of cupcakes, these come to mind: fun and failure. If you’re anything like me, your attempts at cranking out holiday-themed sweets and adorable scrapbooking feats often take a sharp left into crazy town before all is said and done.

These 20 people need to close that Pinterest window and back away slowly.

1. Ah, Samoas. They are the undisputed champions of Girl Scout cookies.

Just kidding. Dispute away.

2. This balloon bowl is a Pinterest classic.

And it should be left to the professionals.

3. What better way to start the day than with some adorable bunny pancakes?

Based on this abysmal failure, literally any other way would be better.

4. Everyone loves a good antique piece…

…unless it looks like this.

5. Pinterest crafters know that all bets are off when cupcakes are involved.

I would like to present this tragedy as evidence.

6. Holiday crafts and recipes run amok on everyone’s boards when Halloween and Christmas roll around.

And they almost always end up looking like these miserable, marshmallow-laden nightmares.

7. This snowman lollipop idea was so cute…

…until it wasn’t.

8. I need one of these next Halloween!

No one needs one of these at any point whatsoever.

9. Packing hacks are sometimes lifesavers.

And sometimes, they turn your apartment into what appears to be the scene of a horrific crime.

10. Bouquets of roses are always nice, but bundles of cupcakes are far superior.

Or you could give your special someone a bouquet of bleeding human hearts! That’s probably symbolic or whatever.

11. Okay, are these not the cutest little appetizers you’ve ever seen?

They’re at least cuter than these tiny atrocities.

12. Forget Christmas lights. Glittery snow orbs are way cooler.

If you can’t get the shape down, you could always make replicas of pig bladders like this crafter evidently decided to do because life is horrible and nothing works.

13. Here we have autumnal rainbow realness.

And here we have a visual representation of labor pains, probably.

14. Me on Saturday night.

Me on Sunday morning.

15. People with cake-decorating skills on this level baffle me.

People with cake-decorating skills on this level don’t confuse me at all.

16. If you want to wow your guests with cupcakes that look like they came out of a French bakery, give these a go.

If you want to burn your whole house down, leave them in for 13 hours longer than suggested.

17. Slay that lowlight game, girl!

Make a hair appointment as soon as humanly possible, girl!

18. This looks like it should be in a museum.

This looks like it should go straight back to Hell, where it belongs.

19. On a scale of one to adorable, these are pretty adorable.

On a scale of one to “you should have at least some artistic skill before trying this project,” well…you know.

Sadly, most of us fail miserably when it comes to nailing these recipes and crafts. What was your worst Pinterest screwup of all time?

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