To Help Combat A Local Issue, These Friends Came Up With A Hilarious Idea.

The conditions of the roads in Kaunas, Lithuania, were so poor, a group of friends decided to do something about it. Their solution, though, was a little different. The photographers, who called themselves Z999, took a series of photos to highlight the potholes.

Those photos were hilarious.

They depicted the potholes being so large, a man might fancy a swim in them, posting up for an Olympic dive and everything. Or hey if you don’t want to swim in the water, you can always use it to baptize your child.

LOL. Also, please don’t brush your teeth with puddle water though.


Unrelated, but do girls always wear kimonos when they paint nails?

The gates to Wonderland.

Even if you don’t think pot holes are dangerous, bachelorette parties in the middle of the road could prove to be fatal.

Good form.

I think he got something!

I’m actually ok with this pot hole solution.

This is just how people in Philadelphia hang out all the time though.

I one dog that has become a supporter of the road refurbishment.

A romantic evening


And lo he was baptized in the river Delancy Street.

Wait, isn’t that concrete? Didn’t they just fix the problem right there?

I’d still eat ’em.

Flower pot holes.

Spelunking at night.

This is an Olympic sized pot-hole.

That’s a sick basket.

This picture really saddens me for some reason.

Old school.

Maybe if Pamela didn’t run so slow this person wouldn’t be mostly drowned.

Does nobody where closed-toed shoes in Lithuania?

These roads are berry bad.

Now, that’s ONE way to get the attention of your local government.

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Published by

Leaman Ralph

Really sugar is shaky because it originates from a straight stick see the play is Granny yes Grandma plus new style luv MaryJane so listen (Granny Apple last years blue ribbon production winner AKA) I, I, I ain't on the right side of my house Jane something or the other is in my room: finally after an extermination Grannie speaks once more "let my (old man) Pacman step on it". See it is home on the range so solo as it be truity speaks got a problem it is your own. But alter scenario: Z/n time; narcotics I got that candy Bar itch its' and Mickey Mouse for the Sultan 7 1 4er well a hem a hem, it went early in the morning like a smack chanting sugar structure 7 -one 1 +eleven and 4 do an ate 'er 8 eight 'er? Well that aint nice. NARCO says do you know them numbers change (response) Yes it is a FiX they are MF's Ope yeah Ope Douglas is it. Surrounded by Alkaloid is both Mary and Grandma in an never ending circle of membership. French mandates declare put up their dukes... ZEN Pepsi can talk half Chocolate and your ole man Pacman down in Cuba posing as the worlds one and only Coffee Wizard "back 1:1" tis Coffee time... ||