Do Something About It – Dreaming Ahead 12 of 365

Have a Thought and Act!

This technique is great for those that continually question themselves. When you have a thought, act immediately. Do not even allow a thought to come to mind. There is no limit to what you will accomplish when you continue to act on thought alone. This helps to take away the anxiety and stress you feel over a decision. It comes down to being confident in your own mind that you can trust precisely what you are thinking.

Complaining Doesn’t Help.

At one time in my life I thought complaining worked. What should be done is instead of complaining, coming up with something that will work. Concentrating on solutions is the best and only way to defeat things like procrastination and questioning yourself. There are many outcomes in life, an infinite amount even. If you choose one answer to a question it directs your life one way, if you answered it another your life could have gone in a whole new direction.

To begin using this information to direct your life where you want it to go. Let me use a simple example here. Let us say that there is a clump of wires behind the entertainment center that has been bugging the hell out of you. Next time you think to complain just go and organize the wires. Better yet make a whole trip of it going to the store getting the zip ties and start working on the organization of the wires. This way your problem is solved and you no longer must get mad about something that could just as easily be done with your hands.

Let dive into one more example. This example is thinking about something that you dislike that you do not have the skill set to fix. Do you have the example in your mind? Now go online and find someone that you could hire that would take care of that problem. This way you are no longer complaining about that problem, your thought process can now move on to better things that you could be doing like buying your wife a gift or setting up a donation for a charity. Do what you will.

Sit Down and Write –

Maybe you have had a thought that you have not acted on in the past. Can you come up with something that you have continued to put off. Maybe writing a piece of music, recording your podcast, writing art or calling a person to connect with. These are but a few examples. Write down what your answer is. In the next line write down actions that you can take right now that would get you on the way. Once you have those actions written begin immediately on one of those actions. Do not put it off anymore.

Life is way too short for us to be putting off what we want to do. I believe that anyone can achieve their dreams and these are some techniques that will help you get where you want to be in life. I wish you well.