{"id":146765,"date":"2021-08-26T21:33:43","date_gmt":"2021-08-26T21:33:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/archives\/146765"},"modified":"2021-08-26T21:33:43","modified_gmt":"2021-08-26T21:33:43","slug":"anxiety-meds-ssris-what-do-you-do-how-do-you-choose-celexa-zoloft-prozac-lexapro-paxil","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/archives\/146765","title":{"rendered":"Anxiety Meds (SSRI’s) What Do You Do. How Do You Choose (Celexa, Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro, Paxil?)"},"content":{"rendered":"\u266a Bob and Brad, the two most famous \u266a \u266a physical therapists on the internet \u266a – Welcome my friends to\nthe Bob and Brad Podcast, produced by Bob and Brad, the two most famous physical therapists on the internet, in our opinion. I am Bob, exactly one half\nof the Bob and Brad team. And I am going to be the host today. I'm joined by Chris the pharmacist. It's my great pleasure to have him again. One of the smartest guys I know. I definitely have you in my top five, that's for sure. – That's a scary five. (both laugh) – So today's topic is going\nto be anxiety medications. We're going to talk about the SSRIs, and we'll explain to you what that is. You know, what do you do? How do you choose one? We're going to go through all that. And he has a plethora\nof knowledge on this. So, you want to start by talking\nabout what the SSRIs are? – Yeah, I mean, basically what an SSRI is, it stands for selective\nserotonin re-uptake inhibitors.

So it's kind of a mouthful.\n– That's what I thought. – So it's definitely\nkind of hard to process, but there's several\ndrugs in that category. I mean, you can go with, you know, Celexa which would be citalopram, there's Lexapro, which is escitalopram, there's Zoloft, which is sertraline, and there's Prozac, which is fluoxetine, and Paxil is paroxetine. So those are the main ones\nthat are in that family. – The big thing it's trying to do is, the big question I have is, what is it exactly doing? It's improving your serotonin levels? – Yeah, so basically what happens is, to understand when we're treating anxiety, basically, when we put people on these types of medications, is it's communication\nbetween two nerve cells.

And so what serotonin\ndoes it kind of carries signal A to signal B. And when we have anxiety, some of those nerves are hyper polarized and you're not getting\nreal good transmission. And serotonin is kind of looked at as kind of a feel good or a relaxing type of neurotransmitter. And when that message is interrupted, or maybe just not sent properly, it's going off into the other areas of the brain and\nbloodstream, what have you, you're finding that these\ncells are hyper charged and you're getting\nthings known as anxiety. When we take medications, like the aforementioned SSRIs, what it does, it helps to, it doesn't give your body to make more, but what it does, it\nblocks the uptake of it. So it's a selective serotonin\nre-uptake inhibitor. So inhibit think of it as blocking. And so it's going to allow more serotonins to kind of bathe that cell gap, so that it transmits\nmore of that information to hopefully help you to\nfeel a little bit more calm.

– So when you go off the\nmedication, eventually, is that going to affect\nyour body's ability to produce the serotonin, or,\ndo you know what I mean? – Yeah, it's kinda, it's\nan interesting question. And it's a debatable. So basically, you know, it's interesting. I mean, we know for a fact that anxiety is a\nbiochemical driven condition. Is it brought on by life circumstance? Is it bought on by, you know, I mean, there's a lot of mitigating factors that lead to it.\n– Sure. – And there's different forms of anxiety within that group as well. When we decide, when a doctor says, it's you and your doctor are part of this team to determine when it's ready for you to go off of these\ntypes of medications, you have that discussion and\nyou'll want to taper off, because if you go off of\nthese medications abruptly, you're going to have some\nvery serious problems. And it's not so much that\nyou're physically addicted to the medication, but you can have, kind of this, withdrawal\nsyndrome kind of thing, where you kind of go off the medication and you feel yucky, you\nget rebound anxiety, Which is…

– Can't you get like electrical shocks? – Yeah, they kind of, yeah. Basically the term that\nkind of floats around in my circle is brains zaps. – Yeah, that's it.\n– And so, so basically when people, they just feel, like just little electrical\nstimulation kind of going through the brain, they can't stay focused they feel agitated. They don't sleep well. They can be short with\ntheir tempers, feel achy. I mean, it's actually, it's\na multitude of side effects that are associated with that. And even just one of the\nthings that's very important in my arena, as well as\nadherence to the drug. So meaning you have to\ntake it consistently. Drugs don't work if you\ndon't use them consistently. In these it's paramount that you take them on a daily basis as your doctor directs. – So, let's bring up this question.

What if you miss a dose? – Well, that's a very good\nquestion, actually, Bob. And so what we do when you miss a dose, we try and tell the patient, it kind of depends on the time of the day that you recognize it.\n– When you recognize it. – But if it's, kind of\nuse the kind of half a day so if it's within 12 hours, take it for sure right\naway when you remember it. If you're getting to let's\nsay it's the next morning, and you're like, "Oh my gosh, I forgot my dose yesterday. No wonder, I felt horrible." We don't want you to double up. You just take your normal scheduled dose,\n– Sure. – and get back on track. – And you'll obviously\nfeel maybe a little bit of the effects of that.\n– Yeah. – Because you're going to\nhave the half-life of it. Right? – You're gonna notice that.

And really with the exception of the drug fluoxetine or Prozac, that's the only one\nthat people can kind of get away with skipping. All the other ones have shorter half-lifes and you know it when you skip a dose. – Sure. – All of a sudden, let's say you just take your normal\ndose at six in the morning every morning after you have breakfast. All of a sudden it's noon, and you're like, "I just don't feel right. I can't focus. I'm kind of ornery." And you're like, "Oh, I\nforgot my medication." – Sure. – So, and then at that\npoint it's like, man. – That probably creates\nsome anxiety in itself. – Sure, and it can, so, I mean at that point we'd instruct you, if it's possible, I mean, if you're in the\nmiddle of your work day I dunno if you can just leave work and go back home and take your medication, or somebody can bring it to you.

But I mean, you know, we want to try and come up with some sort of solution because it will definitely\naffect the remainder of your day. – Sure, now you talked about, a lot of people out there are questioning whether or not they should be on drugs. – Sure, – And they don't want to be, because people don't like to take drugs if they don't have to. – I mean, you know, when\nwe talk about the stigma… – And you talked about the\nthree things that are important.

– Yeah, so, with anxiety,\nI mean to understand it, I mean, there's, the mainstays of therapy are really, it's going to\neither medicine, or chemical. And then also then therapy. So cognitive behavioral\ntherapy are really the big two, and you're a big proponent of that. – Yeah. – And across the board,\nwhen doctors are choosing what's best for the patient, the patient is driving\nthe bus in this case, because if somebody is not saying, "Oh gosh, I don't know\nthat I feel comfortable going to counseling.

You know, I just, I don't have\nthe time I can't leave work." – Imagine this stigma. – There sometimes can\nbe considered a stigma, which is the absolute\nwrong thing we need to we have to crash. We have to smash that stigma, because it's not a stigma. – Right.\n– I mean, it's, you're talking about 50\nmillion people, one in five. – You also mentioned when we were talking about this at one point that you said that you've seen more this year, then- – Yeah, you know. – It's been stressful year.

– 2020, thank goodness this is the last day of the year. – Yeah, kicking it off. – You know, it's one\nof these things where, it has been rough. And as a pharmacist, when\nI dispensed the medications that doctors are prescribing I've seen a tremendous\nincrease in both the SSRIs, and other drugs used for anxiety as well. So it's definitely there. It's definitely prevalent, and again it's so important to\njust kind of circle back that the patient kind of drives\nthe bus for the treatment. You know, if you think,\n"Well, I can take a tablet every day and it's going to work for me." And you're going to make it work. I think it's important that\nthat's probably your choice. And your doctor will go through a series of questions that are\ngoing to determine maybe what's the best choice for you, and ask would you be amenable to considering counseling, you know cognitive behavioral therapies. – So yeah, you had\nmentioned the five drugs and these are the main five? – Yep. Correct, and some of them have been around a lot longer than others.

And so they have a long history of them and how they affect people. – Yep. – And so they can feel comfortable with what you can propose\nthe side effects are. – Absolutely. Absolutely, and actually all\nof these drugs now are old. I mean, I've been a\npharmacist for over 25 years. These drugs are all well into-\n– Oh, they are. So they're older medications. – Probably don't need to make a choice based upon that. – No, but it's just kind of\nfrom a scientific standpoint it's kind of interesting\nthat with brain imaging we're seeing that these drugs, they work. And if you think of a stream, actually when we take the\nSSRI drugs as a class, there's a lot of things going on upstream probably that are much more significant as far as what we're seeing\nwith brain chemistry. And then using the\nmedication certainly helps, but it's kind of more downstream meaning the things that\nare probably to come with medicinal science are probably going to be much improved therapies as they become, they learn\nwhich systems to trigger or what trigger points\nthat we need to hit. So there's other things\ngoing on above stream.

So I think, I don't want to say it's\ncrude or rudimentary, because they're excellent medications that safely help people to manage anxiety conditions every day. But I think there's things\nthat we can do better. And I think that's the wonderful thing about science is we're\nalways pushing that envelope. We're always trying to learn, we're always trying to go forward.

– It's a miracle what\nthey're able to do now, even, if you ask me. – Yeah. Oh, the doctors are very, very adept at helping patients these days. I mean, and it's not even always drugs, like I said. I mean therapy for some people is a wonderful opportunity. – Now, the side effects, you had mentioned that they are fairly\nsimilar, but among the five. – Yeah, they really are. And it's kind of interesting that all of the drugs have a\ndifferent chemical structure but they act on the same area, which is the serotonin re-uptake. And they're just really in that synapse. So from that standpoint,\nit kind of comes down to the clinician's ability\nto select something for your needs, you know,\nmaybe your body type, and they might even ask some\nquestions about family members.

– Right. – Do you have any family? Cause you know, genetics play a big part in all of the things that we drive and they do kind of drive the bus. So let's say, you know, your mother your father, aunt, uncle, brother, sister took something like, hey,\nthat drug worked well. Well, you know what, why don't we try, maybe sertraline is\ngonna be the best choice for you or maybe fluoxetine\nis the best choice for him. Or maybe paroxetine is\nthe best choice for me. It just kind of depends on\nwhat your clinician decides. And keeping in mind, these\ndrugs do take time to work. So it's not quick. It's a four to six week\nendeavor to start to get relief, which is frustrating. – That's the thing, right. Because if you have anxiety\nthat seems like for a lifetime. – Yeah, I mean, it is, it is a lifetime. Cause I mean, that's, you\nknow, an understanding – You're counting off the days. So we understand that this is something if you're considering it, you probably want to get\nit started, because…

– You want to get started. You know, just even the definition of anxiety is kind of\ninteresting, but you know they want you to, most days of the week you should have a thought that's just not sitting well\nwith you for six months. I mean, that's kind of\nDSM five guidelines. – To put up with for six months. – I mean, it's like when you have it, if you have anxiety, you\nwant it gone yesterday. – Yes. – It is an awful feeling. It's an overwhelming sense of dread, and it's just something that\nwe really don't want to delve into because it's just such an\nawful uncomfortable feeling. – Right. – And you know, and until\nyou've been in those shoes, it's really hard to\nunderstand that perspective. And again, it's just like, well I don't know why he feels that way. He seemed just fine yesterday. – Right, right. – It doesn't work like that at all. And so when you tell… – They can't understand it. – And that's the other thing, as a pharmacist and I'm sure as a doctor, if we had one sitting here, too, and you tell a patient, it's going to take about four to six weeks while before this is going\nto help you feel better.

I mean, you're like what? – What, yeah, exactly. And I mean, it just,\nit's somewhat deflating but you know, the thing is, is that we get your body used to it. We minimize the side effects. We keep you on track. – You ramp up slowly. – We do ramp up slowly because if I give you too much too fast, in all likelihood, you're\ngoing to feel yucky. You can feel yucky. You can have an upset stomach. You can be nauseated. Your appetite can be shot. You don't sleep well. – It's gonna compound. – So we start basically baby steps and the appropriate dose based on body type weight,\nagain, genetic factors what have you, other\nmedications that you take. So your clinician is going to look at a lot of different things\nthat go into the prescribing of the choice that they provide. – Are the doses fairly\nsimilar for the five? – No, I mean, you look, let's\nsee, we'll pick on citalopram, you've got a 10 and 20\nand 40 milligram tablets, sertraline got a 25 to 15, a hundred milligram tablet. Fluoxetine is a 20 milligram\nand also a 40 milligram dose.

So paroxetine, it's got the\n10 and the 20 and the 40. – So the typical where they end up at, those tend to be different? – They do, but it's interesting. I mean, these drugs are\nalso used for depression, but for anxiety, you'll\nsee a little bit different dosing level for each of them. Sometimes it's a little bit higher. – For anxiety? – Yeah, it can be. So yeah, it's, it's, it's\nkind of funny how that works. And even within the classes themselves, Paroxetine tends to have\na little bit higher dose for OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder, and things like that, or\nother types of anxiety. So, and then whether you're using it for social phobia or agoraphobia, I mean there's other anxiety conditions under that big umbrella too.

– Sure\n– So it just kind of depends. Your doctor is going to\ndrive the bus on that. And really what they do is\nlike we were talking about, you start slow and you gradually build up. They're going to ask you, you're going to come back for an appointment about four weeks. And then there's either\ngoing to be a phone call or another appointment after that discussing how well you're tolerating… – That brings up the point. So you have five drugs here. What can you see as a difference between, let's say the best performing one and the worst performing one for you? Could you have one that\nthis does nothing for you? No, I mean, well you can, and that's why these other choices exist. I mean, way back when Prozac came out on the market, I mean, it was just, and then all of a sudden\nZoloft was number two. I mean, it's kind of, I think\nthe drug industry itself, they see something, and Prozac at the time when it came out, I mean,\nthere was a book Prozac nation. I mean, there's a lot of things out there that came out when these\ndrugs were first available and they all, I guess the\nfondest form of flattery is imitation, right? – Sure.

– So they come up with drugs, you know and they think, well, hey,\nis the manufacturer of Zoloft and I'm gonna one up, you\nknow, the manufacturer of you know, then that's\nnot necessarily true, but they come up with a way\nto get into that market, and they do want to constantly improve. I mean, when you look at the molecules, they all look functionally different.

And so let's say we started you on something that didn't work well, we have other options available for you. And so that's why it's… – How soon would you know that? – You're going to know… – In a couple of weeks? – I would say you're going\nto have a solid answer probably within four weeks. And that's why that first appointment back to the doctor is so critically important.

And they are going to\nask you those questions. How are you doing today? You know, Bill or Bob or Gene. – So is that common, that you might not have any help from it? – I wouldn't call it common,\nbut it can certainly happen. And so that's why it's\nimportant to keep that next appointment with your provider, because they have to gauge\nhow well you're performing. I mean, if we're giving you\na drug that doesn't work or you're not buying into the fact that you have to take it every day, we've got some serious issues that, as a pharmacist, we want to\nmake sure that you stay adherent on the medication and that\nyou're tolerating it well, and you're not experiencing\nthe side effects that could create problems for you. And so, you know, we always\nsay, please give us a call. We'll try and help you out any way we can. And so oftentimes I spend a\nlot of phone conversations with patients just saying,\nwell, and we actually the other thing that we do\nwith the company that I worked for is we make what we\ncall adherence calls.

So we'll call you in\nabout five or six days – Ah, nice. – To make sure that\nyou're actually doing well and comfortable on the medication. – See, that's what I was wondering because doctors have a feedback loop. They're seeing the patient\nand they come back. And I wasn't sure if that you had that. So apparently you do. – Yeah, we do. – You have a good sense of what all of these drugs\nwork and what side effects.

– Exactly, and it really\ndoes make a difference. And I think patients really\nlike to hear from us too. – Oh, absolutely. – It's like, Oh, really,\nthanks for calling. And to me, it's very gratifying. It's worthwhile. And if, heck, if I can even\njust help somebody an inkling I feel like it's definitely\nmade a difference, and I'm hoping we can\nkeep things going forward so that they can continue to\nget the help that they need. – You know, when you're\nramping somebody up, now let's say they end up being at 100 milligrams\nor something like that.

They're not going to feel the full effect of that until they're at the hundred and for another four\nweeks after that, right? – It can be because there\nis a change, you know? So you got the first four weeks where I guess honeymoon period\nis probably the wrong word. – You're at 25 to 50 maybe. – Yeah, and I mean just\nif we pick on sertraline for instance, you know, a\nlot of times we'll recommend start at 25 milligrams because side effects, GI are most common. So it can cause nausea it can cause, you know, loose stool, pain. So, I mean, we want to try and avoid that. So to say a little food first. – Those will go away? – Those will go away. And usually within about five\nto seven days, they're gone. And then at that point, depending on your clinician's wishes, that might be the point where\nwe jump you up a little bit. And then we kind of have you sit there until that four week appointment. And then we see how you, and your doctor will determine\nhow you're tolerating it.

And if it's beginning to see the benefits. So, in this case since\nwe're talking about anxiety, to say are you feeling\na little bit more calm a little bit more relaxed? Are you sleeping a little bit better? Are things a little bit better\nthrough your day-to-day? And hopefully the answer will be, yes. I think things are getting better. And then at that point,\nor if it's, you know if the answer is no,\nthey're not doing well, I still feel like garbage. Well, do you feel like\nyou've gained some benefit? Yeah. Well then maybe we are going to ramp you up to the next level though. So on certaline let's say we were at 50 milligrams for four weeks. Maybe we're going to try at 75 even a hundred milligrams to see that.

And then we're going to re-engage in about a month to see how\nyou're doing at that point. – How long does someone\ntypically stay on the drug? And if they have the idea\nthey'd like to get off. – Yeah, and that's an\ninteresting question, Bob. So I, there's not a simple answer. When these drugs all first came out they were thought you\njust needed to take them for six months and\neverything was all was well. We've found that over the\nyears, that is not the case. I mean, there are people that\nhave been taking it for years. So a lot of it, you get to a point, too, where sometimes the drug\njust kind of runs its course and it doesn't seem to be as\neffective as it used to be. Or you just feel like, I'm\nin a really good place. I think it's time for me to\nhave an engaging conversation with my physician and see if\nit's time for me to taper off. And maybe that'd be…

– Would that be six months minimum? – Well, I would tell you it's probably going to be longer. I mean, most, and the\nproblem is when we come off of these medications too quickly you get kind of almost a rebound effect. So you have to taper\noff of them very slowly. And even if we come up too soon, oftentimes you end up back on 'em three, four months after you're off of it because you've rebounded\nback to the same situation. – Sure. – So when you look at it, at least in prescribing circles, pharmacy circles, we kind of look at, people are on these\nthings for the long haul. And I would say a year plus, and maybe even longer yet,\ndepending upon your tolerance. – It might even be the time of year. – It can be, there's… – Like, you'd probably rather go off in Spring in Minnesota or Wisconsin, you know what I mean? – There are people that do benefit from short courses like that. So there's seasonal effective disorder. So I mean, and it depends on,\nyou know, and there's lots of other ways that you\ncan treat with that.

– Go back on that time of year. – It can, and the holidays\ncan be tough for people. COVID has not made it easy for people. So we're going back earlier. I mean, I'm just seeing a lot more of these drugs being prescribed for anxiety than ever before. – All right. How are these drugs stored? Are they stored any differently? – It's just a cool dry place in the house. So basically the worst two\nplaces storing any medication. If you're keeping score at home, guys. Don't keep them in the kitchen. Don't keep them in the bathroom.

Moisture destabilizes these\nmedications rather quickly. And so, you're spending good\nmoney on these medications. We want to make sure\nthat they work for you. So, a bedroom, a drawer away from, out of reach of children, obviously, you want to use your safety caps if you have small kids\nor pets around the house. So keep it high, like on a shelf or just somewhere where kids can't reach, or maybe even out of eye sight, but where you know\nyou're going to remember to be able to get at it every day.

– Can you become dependent on these drugs? – Not physically dependent,\nbut there is, you know… – You've talked about tapering off. – Yeah, you taper off, but it's not like an addiction per se, that you're going to be like you're shooting heroin and\nyou need to get your next fix. – Yeah, yeah, yeah. – It's nothing like that. But if you skip a dose,\nyour body, like we talked about a little bit earlier,\nyour body lets you know so there is a bit of a physical dependency just because your body is used to, and I always liken it when patients go, why does that happen? It's kinda like if you\nwere standing on a rug, Bob and I just pulled the rug\nout from underneath your feet and you fell, that's an awful feeling. And it's much the same thing clinically. We accidentally skip a dose, your body lets you know, it's a bad time. It's a bad day and you definitely don't feel like it's effective and things are going sideways on ya. – Do you want to just talk\nabout, we'll finish up with this.

Maybe, do you want to talk about some of the side-effects that\nare common that you see? – Yeah, and you know, – Especially, they list a\nlot of common side effects. – They list if any consumer\nwere to look at what I read on a daily basis or what a\nphysician reads on a daily basis most people would probably\nbe less inclined to take some medications that they do. And a lot of the studies\nthat are done and I guess, to compare like with the\nvaccines out in warp speed, I mean we've done some\nreally quick research. The research that went into these drugs is always ever evolving. Doctors are constantly publishing studies about what is safe, you\nknow, is it okay to use during pregnancies, is it okay\nto use in pediatric patients? Is it okay long-term short term with certain different medications. So we'll come back to, we'll circle back to side effects. And so it's like what's best tolerated? Across the board, these drugs all have kind of the same side effect profile.

And so it can be usually it's GI's the first thing most people discover. So we want you to take it with food. – Short term. – Short term, although, you know – I mean you should take\nit with food all the time. – Yeah, I mean it is. But sometimes it's just kind of, a lot of the serotonins in your gut. So it stimulates those receptors first. And so as a result, why\nyou get tummy side effects.

So food, then drug\nhelps to eliminate that. So that's the primary\none that I always discuss with patients, but kind\nof an odd one that happens is in about 10% of the patients almost across the board with\nthese drugs particularly, is some people can actually get tired. So there's one in 10 that's just like, man, I am just dragging tail. And so you feel like, man I need five cups of coffee\njust to get through my morning. And all of a sudden I\ntook five cups of coffee. Now I'm more anxious than ever. Well, that's not the way we want to go. So that one in 10, we actually\nwant you to take at bedtime. So because for some of us it's somewhat, you'll sleep through that side effect. And then by morning, everything's right you kind of get your\ndose patterns established and it seems to work a little bit better. But for some people, you know that 90% of us that\ntake these medications, you can get kind of an activating effect. And so it's not so much like\nyou had a cup of coffee, but it's just got a little bit of a spark to kind of get you moving.

And so it's something that\nobviously could interrupt sleep. And one of the side effects\nis of course insomnia. So we don't want to be promoting something that's going to keep you up all night when sleep is so paramount\nwith actually treating anxiety. And that's again, we could\nprobably almost do another video on all non-drug things\nto use, to treat anxiety. – Well, I think we'll cut\noff there since we're at a quite a long time here and\nwe'll pick up this topic with another video where we're actually going to tell you a drug you can take to kind of help you make it through that four to six week period. – Yeah, there's a couple out\nthere that definitely work in addition to this and\nagain, up to the doctor but I think there's a, there's a lot of good things that we can do\nto help people with anxiety.

– Thanks for watching. – Have a great day..","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

\u266a Bob and Brad, the two most famous \u266a \u266a physical therapists on the internet \u266a – Welcome my friends to the Bob and Brad Podcast, produced by Bob and Brad, the two most famous physical therapists on the internet, in our opinion. I am Bob, exactly one half of the Bob and Brad team. … Continue reading Anxiety Meds (SSRI’s) What Do You Do. How Do You Choose (Celexa, Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro, Paxil?)<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":0,"featured_media":146766,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":"","jetpack_publicize_message":"","jetpack_publicize_feature_enabled":true,"jetpack_social_post_already_shared":false,"jetpack_social_options":{"image_generator_settings":{"template":"highway","enabled":false},"version":2}},"categories":[1],"tags":[59207,59201,59198,59199,38032,59204,59195,59200,59197,59208,37009,59203,38033,957,59209,34987,59196,59206,59205,38041,59202,38042],"class_list":["post-146765","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-anxiety","tag-best-treatment-for-depression","tag-bob-and-brad","tag-bob-schrupp","tag-brad-heineck","tag-depression-treatment","tag-escitalopram-side-effects","tag-family-friendly","tag-famous-physical-therapists","tag-famouspt","tag-fluoxetine-side-effects","tag-generalized-anxiety-disorder","tag-lexapro-side-effects","tag-major-depressive-disorder","tag-mental-health","tag-mental-health-hotline","tag-physical-therapy","tag-physicaltherapyvideo","tag-prozac-side-effects","tag-serotonin-syndrome","tag-sertraline-side-effects","tag-ssri-side-effects","tag-zoloft-side-effects"],"jetpack_publicize_connections":[],"jetpack_sharing_enabled":true,"jetpack_featured_media_url":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/08\/146765_maxresdefault.jpg","_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/146765","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=146765"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/146765\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/146766"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=146765"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=146765"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/effectsofanxiety.net\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=146765"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}