What a woman chooses to do with her fingernails is a personal decision between her and her manicurist. And now, women fighting a proposed Texas law that would require them to make the choice to have an abortion within the first 5 months of pregnancy aren’t waiting for state Sen. Wendy Davis to show up on a campaign poster for governor; instead, they’re choosing to have their new hero emblazoned on their fingernails.
http://twitter.com/#!/wendybraitman/status/350331058513915905 http://twitter.com/#!/SarahSchimmer/status/351784718137708544 http://twitter.com/#!/deebeediva/status/351855074806472704A fetus begins to develop fingernails around the 12th week of pregnancy.
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/07/01/no-seriously-wendy-davis-nail-art-is-a-thing/